I figured out why I haven't been updating as often these past few weeks! I haven't listened to music. It's simple as that. I'm listening to this great
transe song right now and I immediately got the urge to write. I don't even know what I want to write about. I just got inspired so now I'm writing. I always come up with something to write about once I just get started. You'll see. :p Gods I love this song. <3
Now that I know that I need music to get inspiration for writing I can listen to music a little each night to update more regularly. :p
I usually always listen to music when I'm at home and especially when I'm at the computer, but it hasn't been possible lately. I bought new headphones before Christmas but they're so damn uncomfortable for my ears that I haven't really used them. I can use them to listen to a couple of songs each day before my ears start to hurt and I got to take them off. Who idiot designed these anyway? Gah.
Finding comfortable headphones is a big problem for me as my ears are so unique that most things just don't fit. Imagine elf ears without the pointy tips. I've met one person in my whole life who had similar ears as me. But I like my ears. I just wish that headphones would like them as well. :/
During my vacation I've figured out why I enjoy my daydreams so much. I'm usually such a perfectionist that it manages to kill most of my creative projects before they even get started. I can never please myself, I can never be good enough for my own standards. I can produce beautiful ideas, but I can't produce them the way that I'd like to.
But my daydreams don't have a goal, they are not really going in any direction so it doesn't matter if they never reach it. They're very creative as it's all purely in my imagination, yet it's free as the only person to ever see them is me. There's no cencorship, no one to judge them. They are purely for my own enjoyment. And they aren't forced as I only indulge in daydreaming when I feel the inspiration for it.