You sing! You dance! You flee from the authorities!
You were a bit difficult to place, because you like civilization and humanity -- but when it comes to work, you don't really fit into the system, the ruts and the rituals, that modern civilization embraces. You like your own ways... your old ways.
We've placed you among a hardy Gypsy family. They'll have you plucking a violin before you can talk, and dancing before you can walk. The road is your home, and your horses are members of your family. You get to wear lots of shiny things.
We expect that you'll have a good life. Even if your people are surrounded by a world where they don't really fit in, they have each other, an oasis of compatibility in an unbalanced world. We know you'll make the most of it!
Totally! The stealing part still makes me lol x) I have always been really strick with myself about stealing x)
The link to the hobbit house was great! I think I have seen it posted in awesome_places before. I loved the skyscrapers. If Finland ever starts building skyscrapers, I hope they are green ^_^
I should go to bed now D: I suck at sleeping at normal people time :p
Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...
Gypsy Camp
57% Intrigue, 49% Civilization, 73% Humanity, 56% Crowded, 42% Busy.
You sing! You dance! You flee from the authorities!
You were a bit difficult to place, because you like civilization and humanity -- but when it comes to work, you don't really fit into the system, the ruts and the rituals, that modern civilization embraces. You like your own ways... your old ways.
We've placed you among a hardy Gypsy family. They'll have you plucking a violin before you can talk, and dancing before you can walk. The road is your home, and your horses are members of your family. You get to wear lots of shiny things.
We expect that you'll have a good life. Even if your people are surrounded by a world where they don't really fit in, they have each other, an oasis of compatibility in an unbalanced world. We know you'll make the most of it!
Take Reincarnation Placement Exam at HelloQuizzy
The stealing part still makes me lol x) I have always been really strick with myself about stealing x)
The link to the hobbit house was great! I think I have seen it posted in awesome_places before. I loved the skyscrapers. If Finland ever starts building skyscrapers, I hope they are green ^_^
I should go to bed now D: I suck at sleeping at normal people time :p
And go to bed! :p
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