Are bookmarks a private matter?

Aug 02, 2008 22:39

I went to Helsinki yesterday to have dinner at campus with h_a_k_u and lazba. I haven't eaten at Unicafe probably since last May. It was nice seeing Lazba after such a long time as well. ^^ I tagged along Haku and we went to a fleamarket and then his place. The weather was pretty interesting. It was sunny and hot when I left home and by the time that we got to Haku's place it was hot and rainy with a bit of thunder thrown in. We waited for a bit of clear sky and went to check out one boat harbor. Seeing it with my owns eyes gives me a good idea of the place, it's better than just relying on some website or hearsay, so that was helpful.

Nydi, Koo and Opa were here last night playing this uber-cute Japanese Playstation game and it was surprisingly entertaining to watch, and the dialog was in Japanese. The main character had wings coming out of her hips. Very weird, but I guess that it'd work better than wings on your head. We also concluded that it'd be cool, if we could de-evolve a bit and humans could get nifty tails like monkeys have. It would be like having a third arm, very handy.jiji_vaan (the slave-driver :p) asked me to post something to the group blog, but alas this was the first Friday in a while where I was actually somewhere else beside home, so I did it today instead. Posting tables (taulukko) has been difficult as you can't just copy-paste them from Word/OpenOffice, so this time I decided to learn to do it with html-code. It was actually pretty simple once I found a good guide. This blogging business is nice in the way that I keep learning new things along the way.

I was so engrossed with posting to the group blog that I forgot to make dinner until it was 9PM, so I made a quick omelet with spring onions and green pepper sauce. It was really good, tasted kinda sweet because of the onions, and I've learned to flip omelets and eggs in the air so now days they also look nice and whole. I even flipped some meatballs in the air a while back when I was cooking them and I didn't even drop any. xp Too bad that nobody's ever in the kitchen while I'm flipping food in the air while I'm cooking. It's a lot of fun to do.

I watched Kill Bill 2 on the telly tonight with Orasi's gf. I've already seen both Kill Bill movies in the theaters and I think that the first one is a lot better than the second one. I managed to organize my room a bit today, so there's a bit more space on my desk now.I've been meaning to ask you guys how private of a matter do you view your bookmarks. Lets say a friend is using your computer. Would it bother you, if they looked through your bookmarks? What about family members? When I'm using someone else's computer, I don't check through their bookmarks, but I don't know how other people feel about this. Most of my bookmarks are pretty harmless and I wouldn't mind people looking through them, but I also archive the fanfics that I read on my bookmarks, and those I wouldn't want people looking through without proper warnings. I don't want to accidentally traumatize or shock anyone and fanficcers don't hold onto any taboos or most social norms.

I wonder what the official view is concerning bookmarks. I mean that it's illegal to read other people's mail, but bookmarks are a bit different matter. Bookmarks are also for sharing, but do people have bookmarks that they don't want to share? I think that I need a poll on this matter as I'm curious what you guys think. :p Just mark all the answers that apply to you. By acquintance I mean someone that you'd say hi to, but don't really know all that well.

Poll Are bookmarks private?

poll, group blog, karvaani, blogging, sailing, cooking, internet, movie

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