First the venting. The tax Bureau is stupid. I had to pay about 100e of taxes remaining from 2004. That is still totally understandable but for some reason it hasn't registered that I payed it back in January. They've sent me a couple of notices that I haven't paid it but I kinda figured that it might resolve itself. Yeah, a little naive perhaps but I just hate dealing with stuff like this. Now I have to because the matter has moved to debt recovery procedure (hopefully the right translation for "ulosotto").
Mom totally freaked out. >< But wouldn't it be kinda cool, if some guys would come ringing at our door and then confiscated stuff worth of 100e? I bet that it'd make a great story. But I bet that it probably wouldn't even go like that. The text on how stuff like this proceeds is written in such a way that I can't make out what they're trying to say on the paper. Worst case scenario would be that it'd affect my credit information, which is a really serious situation. I have a friend's friend who's like that and he can't even order a magazine for himself. In Finland there's no such thing as personal bankruptcy, only companies can file for bankruptcies.
This wouldn't be a big deal, but I have to either phone them or visit the office personally to get this mix-up fixed. It's not close by so getting there would take some time. So I'll probably try phoning them first tomorrow, even though I hate phoning.
I have this past with tax bureaus and other bureaus that dealing with them puts me in a rather bad mood. It's a long story. Lets just say that they were one of the biggest pains in my butt for years.
I'm sometimes sluggish when it comes to taking care of some stuff. The notices for this remaining tax have been on the table right next to the mouse for a couple of months now. I just never got around to it. Other examples are that I should return one book to the library. I don't know how many months overdue it already is. I'd just first need to locate it somewhere. My wristwatch also ran out of batteries months ago but I haven't yet gotten the batteries changed. And the suitcase from my trip to Spain has been on the floor for a month already. There's only a couple of things inside at this point. But notice that all of these things are inconveniencing only me.
I guess that nobody's perfect, eh? :p Speaking of which, I found myself in a comic strip today as I was reading Questionable Content. (Spoilers up to strip 508.)
Faye took the words right off my mouth. I have some major attachment problems and almost for the same reasons as Faye has.
I've had this taste and smell of blood on the back of my throat and nose for a couple of weeks already. There's a slight smell and taste of iron to everything that I eat or drink. Blood everywhere so to speak. The culprit is the pollen. My nose itches and is running because of it and the nose spray damages the mucosas (limakalvo) in my nose and the scars aren't healing. I'm trying to avoid using the nose spray but my nose probably won't heal before the pollen season ends. Just a couple of more weeks left, I hope.
Even if this became a real whiny post, I've had a very relaxing day today. First I was listing all the great mp3s that I have. I got to over a hundred already but I'm not done yet. I also watched some television. Lost was rather boring. 6600 was more interesting but based on this episode it seems like a pretty ordinary scifi series, nothing groundbreaking.
I call this my four days long Spring/Summer break. Got to make the most of it. :p