Renaissance Souls of modern times

May 09, 2006 02:24

I got nothing done on the school front today. It's a bad combination for me that I need to do school related stuff on the computer. I'm bad at resisting the lures of the Interweb. Well today I wondered from reading E.Aron's online newsletter adressing HSPs and there was a book recommendation that took my notice: The Renaissance Soul : Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One. The author's, Margaret Lobenstine's, site even has a convenient quiz to test your Renassaince soulness
. I scored 13/16 which puts me over the magical line of 8/16.

It was hard to find information about this matter as the book was just published at the start of the year. I managed to find one article by Ali Crolius. To quote the first chapter of the book on Renaissance Souls, which is available for download:

"The three primary characteristics of Renaissance Souls:
1. We prefer variety over concentrating on just one thing.
2. Our process involves widening our options instead of narrowing our choices, and going more by what our energy feels like than by what our schedule says we should be doing.
3. After we succeed at something, we often opt for going on to something new rather than expanding on that success."

They talk a lot about career and such which I can't really relate to as I don't have a career. I'm certainly not one of those people who knew what they wanted to be ever since they were kids. As I started University it feels like my interests have only multiplied. You put me in a lot of pain, if you want me to decide where to specialize in. Believe when I say that I've tried. I just can't decide. There are too many options and they're all so interesting.

Often I've wished that I was living in Renaissance, I'm not kidding, as then it'd be a virtue that I want to study so many various things and not concentrate on just one, like modern society urges us to. I've never really understood people who are able to concentrate on just one thing. That sounds awfully boring. If there's no new information, no new material, no new ideas and things to learn I get bored and drop it. There's always something exiting and new to look into.

I'm still not convinced that I'm a Renaissance Soul. I don't know enough of it. And what's with people's need to form communities around ideas like these? For example there are forums and meetings specifically and separately for HSPs, INFJs and Renaissance Souls. It's an interesting phenomenon that people identify themselves as something and start thinking "I want to make friends with people who are just like me!"

You can't find yourself in some book. At least it's not the whole truth as people have got to be more complex than that. Or maybe I should start introducing myself from now onward when meeting new people as "Hello I'm Lupu and I'm a HSP, INFJ, Renaissance Soul. Nice to meet you." In the end it would tell most people nothing about me, besides that I'm a wacko.

I got distracted from being distracted. I'd call this level three of avoiding doing school work. Anyway, I got some finds for you from YouTube and Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu.

The first episode opening - It really is the opening but they do change it in the second episode. I think that this version with bad acting and bad "karaoke" is greatness.

The blackmail scene from the third episode. It might spoil a good scene from the third episode for you.

Then there's the dance in the ending... Here's an edited version with only the dance sequences from the anime. Me and Nydi thought that it might be fun to learn to do this dance. But apparently we don't have to as there are already so many people at it. There were more of them but I will spare you from the most embarrassing ones. There's also a professional looking one thrown in. Maybe a commercial?

There were a couple of AMVs and MADs that I watched as well but I'm not linking them as they were boring and didn't do the show justice. Besides, without the voices in Suzumiya Haruhi, it looks just like any other high school anime so I'm having a hard time seeing any AMV doing it justice.

Kissa hiirimatollani. Se uneksii jostain.

anime, introspection

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