Title: Simple Profiles: Hetalia
Character/s: Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Veneziano, Romano
Simple Profiles~
Lupi's Ashes
Don't I look cute?
Hey, my name is Lupi. I'm 20 years old. I can't speak any other languages other than English, though I can understand quite a bit of Maltese. I live in Sydney, Australia and am a fan of Axis Powers Hetalia.
My favourite character's include: Romano and Latvia (don't make me choose between them!), France, Sweden, Ukraine, Estonia, Russia, South Korea and China. My favourite pairings include: Ludwig/Romano, Yong Soo/Lovino, Arthur/Francis, Ivan/Raivis, Ludwig/Francis, Lovino/Raivis, Yong Soo/Yao, Roderich/Vash, Matthew/Katsuya, Ivan/Yao, Peter/Raivis, Tino/Berwald, Berwald/Raivis, and there's a shit load more.
France, China, Russia, Chibitalia and Japan's MKC's are my favourites. Especially China's~ Buono Tomato is my favourite character song, though England's Absolutely Invincible English Gentlemen and France's - you know the one where he introduces himself? - are also at the top of my favourites list. Einsemkeit tends to make me cry, though I love it to pieces as well.
DA •
FF •
Y!G •
PROFILE http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002zyz5" width="664" height="72" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002xr2r">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/000304e1" alt="" width="269" height="435"> | TITLE QUOTE CONTENT
LINK • LINK • LINK • http://community.livejournal.com/lupisashes/">PROFILE | http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002ycwz">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/000319tb" width="97" height="435" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/00032gfa" width="664" height="13" alt=""> |
Lupi's Ashes
We're not friends!
because I'm in denial!
Hey, my name is Lupi. I'm 20 years old. I can't speak any other languages other than English, though I can understand quite a bit of Maltese. I live in Sydney, Australia and am a fan of Axis Powers Hetalia.
My favourite character's include: Romano and Latvia (don't make me choose between them!), France, Sweden, Ukraine, Estonia, Russia, South Korea and China. My favourite pairings include: Ludwig/Romano, Yong Soo/Lovino, Arthur/Francis, Ivan/Raivis, Ludwig/Francis, Lovino/Raivis, Yong Soo/Yao, Roderich/Vash, Matthew/Katsuya, Ivan/Yao, Peter/Raivis, Tino/Berwald, Berwald/Raivis, and there's a shit load more.
France, China, Russia, Chibitalia and Japan's MKC's are my favourites. Especially China's~ Buono Tomato is my favourite character song, though England's Absolutely Invincible English Gentlemen and France's - you know the one where he introduces himself? - are also at the top of my favourites list. Einsemkeit tends to make me cry, though I love it to pieces as well.
DA •
FF •
Y!G •
PROFILE http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002f6yw" width="664" height="88" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002ec88">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002gbrr" width="99" height="435" alt=""> | TITLE QUOTE CONTENT LINK • LINK • LINK • http://community.livejournal.com/lupisashes/">PROFILE | http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002d279" valign="top">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002hx6r" width="286" height="435" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002kpyd" width="664" height="13" alt=""> |
Lupi's Ashes
buono tomato, buono tomato,
buono buono, ooo tomato~
Hey, my name is Lupi. I'm 20 years old. I can't speak any other languages other than English, though I can understand quite a bit of Maltese. I live in Sydney, Australia and am a fan of Axis Powers Hetalia.
My favourite character's include: Romano and Latvia (don't make me choose between them!), France, Sweden, Ukraine, Estonia, Russia, South Korea and China. My favourite pairings include: Ludwig/Romano, Yong Soo/Lovino, Arthur/Francis, Ivan/Raivis, Ludwig/Francis, Lovino/Raivis, Yong Soo/Yao, Roderich/Vash, Matthew/Katsuya, Ivan/Yao, Peter/Raivis, Tino/Berwald, Berwald/Raivis, and there's a shit load more.
France, China, Russia, Chibitalia and Japan's MKC's are my favourites. Especially China's~ Buono Tomato is my favourite character song, though England's Absolutely Invincible English Gentlemen and France's - you know the one where he introduces himself? - are also at the top of my favourites list. Einsemkeit tends to make me cry, though I love it to pieces as well.
DA •
FF •
Y!G •
PROFILE http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002rgha" width="664" height="88" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002ps89" valign="top">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002sa7e" alt="" width="269" height="435" align="top"> | TITLE QUOTE CONTENT
LINK • LINK • LINK • http://community.livejournal.com/lupisashes/">PROFILE | http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002qack">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002tx4h" width="97" height="435" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002wr9h" width="664" height="13" alt=""> |
Lupi's Ashes
Hey, my name is Lupi. I'm 20 years old. I can't speak any other languages other than English, though I can understand quite a bit of Maltese. I live in Sydney, Australia and am a fan of Axis Powers Hetalia.
My favourite character's include: Romano and Latvia (don't make me choose between them!), France, Sweden, Ukraine, Estonia, Russia, South Korea and China. My favourite pairings include: Ludwig/Romano, Yong Soo/Lovino, Arthur/Francis, Ivan/Raivis, Ludwig/Francis, Lovino/Raivis, Yong Soo/Yao, Roderich/Vash, Matthew/Katsuya, Ivan/Yao, Peter/Raivis, Tino/Berwald, Berwald/Raivis, and there's a shit load more.
France, China, Russia, Chibitalia and Japan's MKC's are my favourites. Especially China's~ Buono Tomato is my favourite character song, though England's Absolutely Invincible English Gentlemen and France's - you know the one where he introduces himself? - are also at the top of my favourites list. Einsemkeit tends to make me cry, though I love it to pieces as well.
DA •
FF •
Y!G •
PROFILE http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/00028xbe" width="664" height="88" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/00027cgk">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/000291k2" width="99" height="435" alt=""> | TITLE QUOTE CONTENT
LINK • LINK • LINK • http://community.livejournal.com/lupisashes/">PROFILE | http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/000262bx">http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002bkza" width="286" height="435" alt=""> |
http://pics.livejournal.com/themindoflupi/pic/0002c1y2" width="664" height="13" alt=""> |
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Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions~ :D
It was supposed to be only Romano's! Then I figured, "Well, shit. I have Veneziano here, I might as well do him one as well!" which led me to realising I had Switzerland and Liechtenstein... >>;
If you use, please comment~ Criticism/requests/suggestions are love too~
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