
Aug 07, 2003 16:14

To continue the information that was posted in my last livejournal entry I was in Paris last weekend. It was a beautiful city, so much history and culture it's hard to describe in just a little livejournal post. I managed to see pretty much all the major sites in Paris (Eiffel Tower, Louve, drove around the Arc de Triumph...etc), although I didn't have time to get into them all due to a very cramped schedule. And that schedule was made much more crunched together due to do the awful, terrible, no good very bad bus that we took on trip. Our group of about 70 American 20 something's left London Friday morning at 7:30am and did not arrive in Paris until 8pm that night. Nothing like a 11 and a half hour (one hour time difference between the two cities)to start the trip off. If that wasn't bad enough, the bus had no cooling system on it at all it seemed and some brilliant individuals on the top level of the bus decided that it would be a good idea to start pounding French wine that they bought at the duty-free shop when we were still about 3 hours from Paris. Needless to say that the 110+ degree bus did not treat them well and resulted in one individual being forced to relieve himself in an empty orange juice bottle. It was less than a stellar trip, and our discomfort was relieved only shortly as we were required to get back on the bus 15 minutes after arriving at the hotel to go out to dinner. I won't bore you with all the details of the next several events, just that I spent Saturday walking around the heart of Paris and going on all sorts of various tours. Sunday was certainly much more eventful though. After a trip to Versaille, we piled back on the bus for the trek back to London around 1pm. About 45 minutes into the ride, the bus broke a fan belt and there was a leak in the radiator hose. This left us stranded at a rest stop (basically some squat toilets and some trees) for the next 5 hours. Fortunately once that was fixed the trip was quite uneventful (or at least I just don't feel like typing it all in at the moment) and I arrived back at the flat in London around 1am. It was definitely a highly memorable trip to say the least.

Fulham vs Middlesborough August 16th, opening day for the Enligh Premier League...oh hell yes
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