Prologue: The Dirty ((Big)) Secret Chapter One: The Road Taken Chapter Two: The Pick Up Here's chapter three of my Teen!Mike/Teen!Billie slash story
Chapter Three: The Hurricane
“Kissing is an odd thing. It involves your brain, your mouth, your arms, your legs, your gut, everything! But yet, it's so understated in the actually going-out process. It's all about the sex with the kids these days.”
“I don't know what to comment on first. But, I'll take a shot. How the hell does kissing involve all those things you mentioned?”
He sighed, as if all of it was extremely obvious, but elaborated anyway.
“Umm, okay. Look. You have to think, right? That's the brain.”
“Okay.” He remained skeptical of his smaller friend.
“Okay, now, the mouth is, well, duh. Your arms, well, they pull the person into you and keep the kissing pleasurable.”
“Okay, now what about your legs and gut?”
“They're all along the same lines, Mikey!” Billie stood, exasperated. “You need to kiss more people; then you'll understand.”
Mike nodded. Billie was quite the kissing fanatic. It seemed more and more lately he was turning around to see his best friend enamored with some new girl or other. And while he had little kissing experience of his own (Do less than a handful of girls constitute experience, Mikey? he heard Billie taunt him in his head), he wasn't particularly in the mood to go out and get some more. It so far hadn't done anything for him.
Billie was speaking again. “...So, what do you think?”
They were in Billie's room; Billie pacing as per usual, sitting down on the floor every few seconds before getting bored and moving again, and Mike sitting on his bed. “About what?” he asked. Billie was looking through his bookcase, pulling out books, scanning them momentarily, and then replacing them. Dust was flowing around his face, and he was coughing, making his face turn red. Suddenly, for the first time, Mike realized that his friend wasn't too bad looking.
“Well, two things, and if you'd been fucking listening, I wouldn't have to re-explain.” Billie's eyes didn't meet Mike's, but he didn't sound too mad. “I was asking what you thought of that new song I wrote, and then I asked if you'd like for me to set you up with a girl. An easy one. For sex.”
“You've never had sex, shouldn't you care about yourself before you think of me? Next, I'd like to be set up with a girl to kiss, I could manage that. And finally, yes, I liked that song. Kept thinking of what I'd play for the bassline during class; that's why I was caught off guard when I was asked for that answer in history.”
'Oh, yeah,' Billie mouthed, smiling. He was still facing the bookcase, and for that, Mike was grateful. How had he never realized that Billie was good-looking? You'd think it wouldn't have knocked him out like that; Billie always had some girl chasing after him. Billie was shirtless, and Mike kept scanning the boy's frame. He's good-looking, he thought. He's---He's hot.
“I was only trying to help you lose your virginity because I care about you, you know.” Billie turned to Mike then, smiling. “I am a caring, benevolent soul. It doesn't hurt that I'm totally in love with kissing. But yeah, I'm pretty much altruistic in all of my motives.”
Billie and Mike both broke out into giggles then, and Billie plopped down on the bed next to Mike. Mike was confused as to the weird feeling inside of him, and then even more bemused when the feeling got worse after Billie placed his hand on Mike's knee. “Don't you wish it could be like this forever? Just you and me? Like this?”
Billie was staring at him, expecting an answer to a simple question. It was the kind of question that two boys who had as much fun as they did often asked each other, Mike was sure, but for some reason, he couldn't form an answer. His mind just wouldn't let him do it. His mouth was instantly as dry as a desert. He smacked his lips and looked at Billie's eyes. Green and playful, and then questioning. He could almost imagine Billie's face. He didn't understand why Mike had paused.
Well, of course he doesn't, thought Mike. I don't even know why I paused. I wonder what would happen if I kissed him?
“Err...” Mike stood, panting and blushing. He just needed to get that goddamn hand off his knee. “Don't you have something to do, Billie?”
“I, umm, have a date, later. Like, tonight. Are you okay, Mike?” Billie asked, staring Mike down like he was insane. Maybe he was insane.
Billie waited just a second for an answer before shrugging and reaching down onto the floor and putting back on his shirt, previously discarded after complaining, God, it's like a fucking oven in here! Mike had been the one to suggest Billie Joe take off his shirt and now wondered if there'd been some ulterior motive, as he'd just found his mind whining, No, don't put that back on! as Billie's peachy skin vanished beneath a veil of baggy green.
Jesus Christ, I am insane!
“I'm fine,” Mike said.
“I'm gonna tell Mom your sick,” Billie said, going on like he hadn't heard Mike. He put his hand on Mike's forehead, and Mike hoped Billie didn't notice his initial flinch at the touch. “Hmmm,” Billie frowned. “Nurse Billie doesn't think you have a fever. Maybe I need to get the actual thermometer.” Billie sounded genuinely concerned, and Mike thought that was so amazing, which was weird again, since Billie always cared about him and always did stuff like this.
“I'm fine. I think the heat's making me loopy.” Mike smiled. Billie shrugged.
“I told you to take off your shirt.”
Maybe you should take yours off again.
Mike grimaced at his inner voice and nodded.
“Just go out on your date, Billie Joe.”
“I still have a half hour 'til I have to meet her. Do you want me to leave?” Billie seemed hurt.
“I---I am sick, Billie. I feel like napping. On your bed, if that's okay.”
Anything to make you leave.
“Okay,” Billie said, as Mike plopped down on Billie's bed.
“Bye.” Mike waved.
“Bye, honey.” Billie blew a kiss. “I'll miss you.” And then he was gone, and Mike could his laughter as he walked away, cracking up at his own antics.
Mike buried his head into his pillow. God, hormones could drive a guy mad. No wonder everybody hates being a teenager. Thinking Billie was hot? What the fuck?
God, his pillow smells like him. I never realized how much I like his smell. He has a nice smell. He never stinks or anything, like, when you hug him, there's this big woosh that comes over you. No one smells like Billie Joe.
He turned onto his back and sighed at the ceiling.
Mike didn't know what was coming over him, but he didn't like it, and it wouldn't stop.
It was rushing over him, then. All the memories of Billie. The boys had gone swimming last week, and he thought of the erection he'd gotten when Billie had been jumping on him. And then he was thinking of Billie's hands, small and calloused from playing guitar, against his hips, tickling. Billie had that wicked smile on his face.
Oh, God. Mike felt his his hips thrusting.
Shit, shit shit.
“Go away!” Mike screamed, but his crotch paid no heed. “I am a freak of nature.” He touched himself and felt a wave of gratification overcome him. God, it'd been so long.
Two weeks.
Two whole fucking weeks.
Every time he'd started, usually thinking of a girl, Billie's picture would pop up, and then he'd have to stop. It wasn't until today when he found himself thinking of Billie as good-looking that he wondered if it was anything more than a fluke. “I can't do it and think of Billie,” Mike said to no one in particular, eyes shut, hand wavering above his hard on. He couldn't even force himself to check and make sure that Billie had properly closed his bedroom door.
“I can't---I can't do it. I'm sorry,” he apologized to himself. “You'll go away in a minute.”
But then in contrast to his words, he hastily unzipped his pants and managed to grab himself.
“Oh, yes,” he panted, rubbing up and down, faster, harder.
It was Billie he was thinking of, sure enough.
He was thinking of that fourth of July, a couple years back, when Billie had told Mike he had the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. It was a tender, intimate moment, and not one that Mike had ever thought he'd eventually jerk off to. They'd been rolling around on the ground, fighting, playing, and trying to separate themselves from the adults and their boring-as-hell picnic.
Billie was on top of Mike when he'd said it, maybe that's what he'd liked, he thought, scoffing at himself, but it didn't matter. He was almost there now. “Ugh, ugh, ugh,” he continued panting, banging against the bed with force. He could hear the echoes of the bed frame crashing against the wall, and he really hoped Billie's mom wasn't back from work, but really couldn't stop or worry. This was so fucking good.
You know what, Mike? Billie had said.
You have really pretty eyes.
What do you mean?
I mean, they're beautiful. Blue.
Beautiful? When the hell you'd become a girl?
I mean it. Billie punched him. I love them. He ran his hand along Mike's face. They're the most beautiful blue eyes I could ever imagine.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.” Mike slowed down until his hips were barely shaking anymore. A final chill ran through his body, and then it was over.
It was all over.
That was certainly the best time he'd ever had.
“Woo hoo, Mike!”
There's clapping. Why is there clapping?
“Billie, Jesus Christ!” Mike zipped his pants up and tried to regain his composure, but Billie was laughing.
“I can't believe you didn't break my fucking bed!”
“Were you watching?” Mike asked, horrified.
“Eww! No! I was listening, though.”
How much did you hear?
“Well, why the hell were you listening!”
“Why are you so pissed? I was doing that altruistic thing, remember? I decided to skip my date and spend the night with my sick friend, and I come home and you're having a time in my bed! No wonder you wanted me to leave so badly.” Billie was smiling again, and Mike could tell he was trying to so hard to keep a straight face.
“This isn't funny, Billie, it's goddamn embarrassing!” Mike threw himself back down on the bed, wishing he could just curl up into a ball and die.
“Why? I talk all the time about doing it! I did it this morning, in the shower. I just looked down and I was like, Hey! I should really get myself off right now!”
“You're such a moron!” Mike threw the pillow that smelled so like him at Billie. Billie caught it. “Besides, I haven't done it for two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Billie put the pillow on the floor and sat down on it, but then stood up again. “I can see why you sent me out. I'd explode if I didn't do it for two weeks. All the guys say it's better if you wait, and if your hurricane of an orgasm is any evidence, it is,” Mike flushed, “but I just can't do it. I can't wait two days, let alone two weeks. You, Mikey,” Billie put his hand on his shoulder and looked solemn. “are my hero.”
“You're an asshole.” Mike was still blushing, but felt happy that Billie was with him, touching him, at least.
“I know that.” Billie grinned toothily.
I think the next chapter may be the last one of the flashbacks, and then there will be one chapter explaining their first time (NC-17 epilogue, yay!), and then I think I'm through with this series. You guys are great for reading. It's really late, and I haven't read over this, so I apologize for grammatical errors.