Sep 15, 2004 21:30
I fined their Mythology very amusing, especially this:
Izanami, the Goddess of Creation,
gave birth to a number of deities before finally giving birth to the God of Fire,
as a result of which her genitals were burnt
and she became bedridden.
In her illness, she gave birth some last few times,
and then died and migrated to the Land of the Dead.
While on her sick bed, she vomited,
and from her vomit was born the God of Mining;
she excreted, and from her feces the God of Clay was born.
From her urine was born the God of Water for Irrigation,
and then came the young and virile God of Procreative Force
followed by the Goddess of Food.
And then came the God of Fire.
I'm not sure what thoes japanese have been smoking... But I want some.