Feb 17, 2011 14:21
For those that don't know, Wisconsin is under siege from the conservative/Republican party. It's obvious that the birthplace of public unions has been targeted and our new Gov. is *someone's* champion for breaking the unions, dismembering a very good Medicaid program, dismantling our environmental protections, and in general selling the state.
While I could rant on about Gov. Walker using fear and misdirection to run a state, today I want to celebrate my democratic senators. Today the state senate was supposed to have been voting on an "emergency budget repair bill." They must have 20 senators present to call the session. There are 19 republican senators...they need one democrat.
Just like the badger that is our state icon, our democratic senators have gone to ground. All 14 of them are "out of the state." It makes me misty-eyed to think of them pulling together and disappearing. The senate is now under what is called "A Call to the House" which is a mandatory order for senators to present themselves. As far as I can tell, as of this writing they are still missing...officers are hunting for the fugitives.
They will have to show up eventually, but this statement...this "bold sin" just makes me want to hug them all.