So yeah, that pretty much sums it up. :D;; I wasn't in school today 'cause I came home last night and practically collapsed, I felt so shitty. Mom came home and was like, "o.O; WTF is wrong with you? You're staying home tomorrow!"
But in my advanced state of lethargy, I was able to finally watch Troy. :D It was amusing, only because I'm a horrible person.
I was thinking about it, and some ideas came to mind... :3;;;
I have entitled this section "AT: After Troy" against my better judgement, even though AI (after Iliad) would probably make more sense! :D But of course, copyright crap...anyway!
One day, Lizzie was sick and decided to watch Troy as she'd rented it and never watched it and owed overdue charges, anyway!
Well, um, no, not that Troy. This Troy:
Yeah, there we go. So once the movie was over, Lizzie was feeling melancholy (but not so much that she'd cry) but also very guilty because certain tense parts of the film made her laugh like a moron. :D
For example. "No father ever had a better son. May the gods be with you."
Lizzie: *Giggle* Luke, may the force be with you! WUZZUP, OBI-WAN!
Yeah, no more third person. I was also thinking about the casting...and I think Orlando got jipped. The poor boy was type-casted!
Director: Well, let's see...we need a pretty boy with long hair who can act like a girl and use a bow. *Snap* Legolas! Orlando Bloom!
Director: :3 Instant blockbustaaaaah!
Right, now, onto my After Troy babble.
Helen: I'm unnaturally beautiful! :D
Persaeus: OMGParisyouSUCK! You killed Brad Pitt Achilles! DAMN J00!
Paris: He killed my hot brother first! :P Oh. I was greiving, wasn't I? Damn. Helen, ho~old me~e... T_T
Helen: (To a random Troy escapee) Heeeey, you're a cutey. :3 Come here often?
Paris: >.< Helen! I'm still alive, here!
Helen: So was my husband, but didn't stop me did it? :D
Achilles: I'm dead and it sucks. *Siiiigh* But I got a Josh Groban song. What now, bitches?!
Hector: ...Man, Achilles, people could slash us so easily.
Achilles: ...The hell? How? We didn't like eachother. At all. I killed you!
Hector: It totally couldn't happen. That's why.
Achilles: Ah, yes, fangirls. *snap*
Maah, so, in conclusion, Paris is a douchebag (like Snowe) and there is no excuse for Brad Pitt to ever not have blonde hair. :D He is t3h s3x.