Furfright Con Report

Nov 08, 2010 06:11

Weds - Went to work, then to a meeting and then managed to get my car in for service before driving to @duskdargent's house to crash for the night.

Woke up and drove to CT, I really didn't miss toll booths at all x.x
I drove through New Jersey without taking the turnpike! :p It took me on surface streets, one place in particular jumped out at me as comical, "Cinnaminson".
I arrived late evening and saw several furs I knew within minutes of arriving.. I really do love that :p

Registered, bought a couple books and art in the dealer's den and found out that certain stairwells should not taken in the hotel :p Went to Chili's with a couple friends then hung out for a bit. I attempted to try and dance but with the music they were playing was quite unable to do so. After that I got chewed out by a bitchcunt(Springdale) who must have been on his/her/it's period and then just went to bed.

Left the room late and roamed around, I learned that I can carry @nbowa on my back.. but not very far :P Went out to eat with @inusaito @dakotamalamute and @angharan, came back and watched @MatthewEbel on piano. Traveled out to Wal-mart with Ilobmirt, that Wal-mart sucked so we went to a grocery store to get stuff for #piecon which was pretty decent and even got crashed by cakecon.

Hit up the liquor store next to the hotel and got some Vodka and Disaronno and went to the impromptu dance in the hallway with actual dance music, shortly after I did in fact do the Time Warp again and then saw the last part of @Recca_sen_li 's set. Hung out with @JTigerclaw, @twitchdawoof, @blue_hayze and then later with Raptorred eating pie before falling asleep.

Woke up and went out to Ruby Tuesday's came back and wandered around before the dealer's den closed then went to closing ceremonies. Went out to eat with a few friends at wooster's pizza then came back and started playing poker with kalendil, november, nbowa, dusk and a couple other people until the early morning hours.

Woke up and went to 99 restaurant with Tzup, JD, November, orion, malo and others before dropping orion off at the Amtrak station before heading back to the hotel to meet up with @quentincoyote and drove back to his place.

Woke up and just lounged around until the furmeet at his place then went out with a group to 5guys, I went to Starbucks first then we all went to Coldstone before going back to Quentin's place to hang out. I saw my first episode of the Regular show XD

Started driving back home, nearly t-boned a New Jersey driver because he made a right angle turn directly in front of me. Made it to @thundergrey's and stayed the night there before driving down to DC to spend a wonderful afternoon with @Kaimitsuki. We snuggled for a bit then I took him to a diner I found which turned out to be just omg amazing. I would have liked to spend a little more time with him but I had to get on the road to make it home in time to go to bed a couple hours before I had to wake up. Also, Drama occurred after the con.. and I'm not friends with certain fur(s) afterward.

TL;DR - I had a *mostly* awesome time, I love you guys and I can't wait to see some of you again at #MWFF. Jersey drivers really are terrible, it smells *really* bad in Northern NJ but not central or southern and the diner in DC is quite possibly one of the best I've had. Thank you for making it an awesome time guys
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