Megaplex Con Report

Jul 29, 2010 09:27

I worked until close on Thursday, came home and got ready. I left for RDU a little while after getting ready and boarded the plane. Quick flight to Charlotte then onto Orlando. I flew US Airways since it was cheapest, I still prefer Delta and will book earlier now that i know I'll be going again.. $4 for a small thing of trail mix is sort of a ripoff.

Walked around MCO for a bit then Met Takumfox and went to eat at Steak and Shake, arrived at hotel around Noon. Got registered and wandered around the hotel seeing where everything was.. and subsequently melting at the same time.

Day started off slow.. I caught are you smarter than a was mostly spent walking around looking for people I knew, sat at a table and talked with Uncle Kage before seeing Skroy. Continued just walking around saying hi to people until randomly meeting Skifox and went down to that pizza hut inside the hotel to see what they had. Received hugs (and beatings xD) from a YuchiDaYena, vicious thing you >;p *smirk* I also got to meet up with Velorium. Ate at Subway's late in the day.

I found Tzup and spent a bit of time with him, then I found Nbowa shortly after, and was promptly stepped on.. :p We went off roaming the halls and found a chess set, unfortunately it was missing half it's pieces so I wasn't able to beat the lion at a game ;p

Chatted with Crashfennec and ate a little supplementing that with the Desert social, that pie was sex in your mouth good.. however I learned that I do not much care for deep fried bananas, or whatever that stuff was. Went to Matthew Ebel's concert afterwards then watched Uncle Kage's Story hour(yay Germans, lol). Spent a fair bit of time up in the room and then wandering around with Skifox, Roby Panther, Tzup, Reactiv and Nbowa. Danced a bit at BBF's set then went back to Takum's place after stopping for something to eat at a gas station.

Woke up about 2:30, a couple hours later than I had intended on.. but I guess I needed it after being awake for 34 or so hours, heh.. After heading to the hotel I went to IHOP and got the steak tips (which are excellent by the way). Wandered around the hotel just hanging out with people again, not much else to do.. and I actually think I prefer it that way to be honest. Suiters on skateboards outside in the parking lot, I thought this could end badly.. but it didn't.

I started seeing Electropaw's suits roaming around and realized that all five of them were active and running around with each other. Was trying to figure out which of them might have EP in them until I saw EP behind all of the suits not in suit :p
Speaking of people in suits this convention was a total mindfuck at some points it was like "Ok, is this person in the suit actually the suit owner or someone else" unless it was obvious that it wasn't.. So many people wore other people's suits and to make it worse some also swapped con badges!

Spent a little time with Kellogcollie before going to Paul Zaloom's Puppet Show which was pretty funny. Heh.. *tosses the baby out* Lol. After that I ended up spending more time with Nbowa and Tzup before watching a little bit of the RHPS (Let's do the time warp again!)More socializing with people before heading out to IHOP with Electropaw then back to his room hanging out. We ate and at one point burped in unison completely by accident, which was epic..
I also got to try on a fursuit head for the first time, interesting experience. I definitely liked the close fitting baklava head that allowed me to have a decent field of vision except for directly in front of me and also allowed for my breath to escape right down and out of the muzzle unlike the others that trapped it against my face making the head too warm to be in comfortably.

Spent a bunch of time with Tzup, Ski, Nbowa until they went to sleep. Was thinking about going to bed myself until I ran into a small group of suiters who hadn't gone to bed yet and stayed up chatting with them. Oh, and apparently I seem to be a pretty good masseuse even though I haven't practiced/studied it at all. I can't remember who was in the group aside from Jason the otter. After they finally went to bed I relented and went back with Takum but stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get a snack and woke up about 1 pm.

Ate at Zaxby's and on the way to MP saw a bright pink city bus with a paw print on it named the "Lynx line" (full of win). After arriving at the hotel, again I just spent time hanging out with people until the funday pawpet variety show which was really funny, Blitz is adorable. They opened the sponsor suite to attendees to get rid of the excess food.. I had sno cones, a turkey sandwich and pop tarts that I teased a certain red fox with and saved them for later. I ended up underneath an nbowa again after that and was dubbed the replacement fox for the weekend. Now I know why they all hide from him ;) Just joking, ILU.. don't hurt me.. XD

Takum and myself helped Bushycat break down her table and get everything inside the car stopping to get some of the desert. Danced more then spent time with yotienpluche and Tilt_longtail and had an under the table con for a while before going to the pool for poolcon lol. Skroy rode the inflatable puffypet in the pool in his fursuit, that was pretty well awesome, he didn't even get wet either. Talked to a whole bunch of people at the pool area late including Triggerfox, Fluke, BBF, Skroy and Frisbee.

Stayed up so late sunday I didn't bother to go to bed, I wanted to make sure I would be awake to get to the IHOP and eat with Tzup, Nbowa, Bushycat, Rukario, imalucario, Terry, Takum, Stargazer and hakani. Went back to the hotel and was a good lapfox for Mr. Nbowa :p

Said all my goodbyes to people as I watched them leave, that's always a sad part..
After hugging everyone and such myself, takum and Shy_matsi explored downtown disney, remind me not to spend that much time outside in Florida again D: Damn Florida and it's 105 degree temperatures with high humidity, I must have drank 6 - 8 20 oz bottles of water in the 2 or so hours I was there.

Shout-outs :p

roryhusky, kryphosdrgn, ratherdashing1121, RobLF, Surfurry, minimumtalent, Dibbun, TidalWolf, Rukario

I know I'm forgetting people.. Sorry! D: Let me know if we spent time together!

In summation.. I would just like to say that I had a wonderful time, I will be back next year. I love you all :p
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