Tired of feeling 'emo'? Read these rules

Jul 09, 2010 02:49

I found this in an FA journal and considered it to be relevant to the changes in my personality and character. Over the last 2 years or so I've been finding it easier to just call people out on BS and remove them from my life if need be. Granted this makes me look like a dick but I find myself to be happier without having to deal with everyone's problems, especially if they are with me. If you have problems with me and do not wish to work them out then I seriously don't care and don't need you in my life, it's just that easy. When taking people into your life as easily as I do it helps to be able to push out the ones that cause problems and discontent, I only wish I had been knowledgeable of this years ago.. it would have made life so much easier.

This isn't saying I don't love meeting new people and making friends, just that I have no problem removing you from my life if you cause problems for me. I know there are people out there who view me as weird/creepy or just plain don't like me and years ago that would have seriously bothered me but you know what? It just isn't worth it and I seriously couldn't give a damn about what some jackass thinks of me when there are so many furs out there to be friends with a pawful of people that don't like you is just a drop in the ocean.

I am not a malicious person and have no intent on making others feel bad. If you dislike me it's probably due to the fact that your very religious, very conservative, homophobic, have your head stuffed up Steve Jobs ass or simply because you perceive what I do to be "strange and creepy". I am a very affectionate person and if you can't handle that then don't hate me for it especially when you don't even tell me it makes you feel uncomfortable. I'm not a mind reader, I don't know if hugging makes you feel weird, maybe your just a prude and not ok with physical touching. If that is the case we probably wouldn't be very good friends anyways since I am rather physical with the hugging and whatnot. Online I tend to be even more outwardly affectionate than I would be in person, very much so.. If that bothers you or creeps you out fine, but don't hold it against me without even telling me.

I had meant to only post the rules but I started writing down what they were making me feel. Anyways, here they are :p

1. I am me. I am not you. I do not want to be you. I do not need to be liked by you nor do I need to like you. I do not need to impress you and you do not need to impress me.

2. I make my own decisions. I ask my friends for opinions. I do not need your opinion if I do not ask for it. I do not need to consider your opinion if I have not asked for it. I will not agree with everything you say. I will not take everything you say to heart.

3. I am not your toy. I will not bow to your demands without good reason. You are not 'the apple of my eye' without good reason. If you tell me to jump, unless it benefits myself or my desires, I will kick you in the face.

4. Love is not lust. If you ask me to love you I will ask you not to lust for me. If you ask me to lust for you I will not love you. If you ask me to hate you I will not hate you. If you hate me I will dislike you. If you wrong me, then unless given a reason otherwise, I will hate you.

5. I will not put up with your bullshit. I will listen to cries for help. I will not listen to cries for attention. I will not encourage demoralizing conversations. If you upset me I will not talk to you for you are wrong to do so. If I upset you I will apologize and move on.

6. I am me. I am not you. I do not want to be you. I do not need to be liked by you nor do I need to like you. I do not need to impress you and you do not need to impress me.

(I know #1 is repeated for #6, that's because it's the most important one and needs read twice.)


In the end, just remember.
You are #1. You are the be-all, end-all.
You should praise yourself over everyone and everything else.
Because in the end, whether you believe it or not, you already do.
You feed yourself, you sleep, you drive, you work, all that for yourself.
You don't plant food in anyone else's mouth.
You don't sleep to regain energy for someone else.
You are the most important thing to you because without you, there is no you to find anything else important.
This is how *everyone* operates. Everyone thinks about themselves.
Nobody needs more or less attention than what they give themselves. Sometimes it's nice but it's not vital.
Even people who give to charity do it to make themselves feel happier about being generous.
Whether you realise you're praising yourself or not, you're still doing it, And that's the way it's meant to be.

Use the above rules as a basis for your emotions and respect yourself more. This is not sarcasm. Without this common sense I wouldn't be here, that's for sure. And I hope it makes sense, anyway. Thanks for reading, comments below~
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