I have now been away at school-scratch that, the Pittsburgh Job Corps-For a month. And I gotta tell ya, if anyone out there is concidering coming here, I just have one word of advice.
Here in the lovely PJCC, they give you 25 dollars every two weeks and expect you to live on it. The school uniforms look like something out of a bad sitcom, and they have no womans sizes. That's right, I have to wear boys pants.
The beds are itchey and uncomfortable, The food is a hart attack just waiting to happen, And worst of all, there is no WiFi. None. At all. Instead, you must go through a series of channels to even get on the internet at all, and when you do, there are so many firewalls it isn't even worth the trouble.
Sure, you can get on myspace and livejournal and the like, but not until 5:30 PM, and none of the graphics will load, so the whole page is just a big mess.
This place is Hell. I Keep expecting to turn the corner and find Beelzebub standing at the other end of the hallway. Flip burgers, greet at Wal-Mart, beg in the fucking streets, but whatever you do, Do NOT come here!!!!