Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania! 10
Challenges: south
snape100, Hotel Transylvania
lupin100Word Count: 100
Severus digested the news that the Tonks family owned enough stock in Four Quarters Hotels to block or modify construction of the Hotel Transylvania. Ted had always struck him as amiable but ineffectual (rather like Lupin). That he had been good at investing, and presumably finance, was not expected.
Neither was Lupin's ability to dominate a businessman like Jack Quarters.
"I assume you need to head south," he said.
"Not immediately." Remus cocked his head. "Andromeda is watching Teddy for the day. Why?"
Severus hesitated. "The least I can is stand you a pint."
Remus nodded, slowly. "You're welcome."