Title: Welcome to the Future Site of the Hotel Transylvania, 1
Challenges: north
snape100, Hotel Transylvania
lupin100Word Count: 100
The crane loomed over the open foundation like some prehistoric beast. Remus squinted at the neatly printed sign.
"'Future site of the Hotel Transylvania. Hard hat area. Trespassers will be prosecuted.'" He turned to Severus, who was glaring at the concrete pit with the same expression he usually reserved for mentions of Sirius Black. "It's a construction zone."
Severus bared his teeth at the sign. "It's part of a coordinated effort to bring tourism to the North. That means restaurants. Shops. Muggles."
"I'm not sure what you want me to do."
"It's a block from my house."
"Oh. Dear me."