(no subject)

May 09, 2009 14:42

I am really getting annoyed with ebay sellers. I have never had so much trouble as I have this week.

First I pay nearly $200 for an old PRC-77 military radio. I expected to have to repair it but it was not the unit advertised. Dented and bent to hell with different markings and obviously repainted several times with less than 50% of the paint remaining and so packed with grime you would think it was fished out of a lagoon somewhere. And the ass in Greece had the audacity to claim its not his fault it got "dented in transit". WTF!?

Now a US surplus seller in Georgia sells me a new woodland MOLLE 3-day assault pack, guess what came in the mail today? A new woodland 3-day assault pack in ALICE. For those of you who don't know, ALICE is the old style of military webgear, and MOLLE is the new style and worth about $30 more. These systems are not compatible.

Also, does any one out there need a new whip antenna for an old PRC-10 radio? I accidently picked one up mistaking it for a PRC-77.

Well I have a BBQ that needs tending to.
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