Nov 05, 2009 23:32
welcome to November. holy crap. two more months til the new year.
i kept meaning to post something here, but not ever really feeling like i had something worth-while. well, except the computer stuff, but we'll cover that later on... maybe next entry.
i'm really hating the heating system/thermostat in this place. i just want the house to be at a nice 70º. that's the perfect temp in this apartment, not too cold, not to hot. apparently the thermostat thinks this is too high and that when i say 70º i actually mean 65º. no... no thermostat, i do not.
NaNoWriMo started on Sunday. i'm unofficially participating, as is Matt. he's ahead of me, as he's at least gotten SOMETHING produced. i've yet to get anything written down on paper other than notes and homework for school. drat.
i'm trying to work out more details and get more done on the werewolf novel i've been writing since approximately my sophomore year of high school. that would put the starting year somewhere around 2003-2004. wow.
hopefully i can get something done tomorrow, as it's my weekday rest from school. typically i get homework and studying done on fridays but... i don't have any to do this week!
i think this is the most i've written in a journal entry in quite some time.
anyway, i should be going to bed soon. i do need to get SOME freakin sleep.
my novel,