Oct 16, 2009 18:42
Message from the Gallery Technician :
"15 hours is the official time your work stayed up before being removed from view, the big wigs were taken to see it this morning and though professing to like it, requested it's removel due to it's inappropriate subject matter for a school gallery. They did say it could be just covered over but I took the view, which I thought you may also share, that this gives the impression that we are in some way ashamed of it, rather they ask us to remove it than compromise our artistic integrity.
Anyway it is now upstairs in the theatre roof in all it's glory, the funniest scene was when I removed it from the gallery carrying it over my shoulder just like what jesus done all them fictional years ago!
News has seemed to spread quite quickly around the campus that there was something in the gallery worth seeing before it was removed, we tried to remove the piece three times, but kept being asked by different members of the art faculty to leave it for a few minutes so they could have a look and take some photos'.
So in many respects a success.
Hope this is all ok.
I have left the wooden base and title on top of a plinth where the work used to stand"