Sep 09, 2009 02:15
1: Rowntrees randoms... fuck you monkey socks
2: That one where the kid has lots of pens and the other kid wants a pen but settles for a pen that's also a pencil and then kills the first kid ( except the last bit doesn't happen because that advert sucks )
3: "We have Noir"... die.
4: The fucking Iams advert with that cat that says he's an Iams cat and then the door bell rings and I always think it's my doorbell but it isn't because it's the fucking Iams advert
5: Actually any advert with a fucking doorbell that makes me think someones at door
6: The one with Stephen fry and Paul Merton. I think it's for insurance or something but who cares, it's just stephen fry and paul merton selling insurance for money. Thanks for killing their credibility insurance company, and thanks fo accepting the cheque Stephen Fry and Paul Merton.
7: 20p is not worth singing about... even if you are black.
8: "they're real lawyers" as opposed to all those fake lawyers I keep finding in cereal packets.
9: Dear pot noodle. How piss off your consumer base. 1: Identify your demographic. 2: Identify their interests. 3: Rip off flight of the conchords. ( Lupe would like to point of that FOTC does nothing for him... but he hates pot noodles too so I guess it equals out )
10: "we have Noir" ( yeah so it's in their twice but screw it, I hope someone got fired for that clusterfuck )