SDF 99: The Confusion of Jesse McNally

Aug 27, 2006 18:50

Segment: The Confusion of Jesse McNally

the cast | the story list

Note: So, umm, yet another pairing is hinted at here. If you can catch it you'll get a cookie! A virtual cookie, of course, but still: cookie.

Jesse was starting to think the world had something against him. It was like it came up with ways of torturing him, not because he had done anything, of course. For once, Jesse was pretty certain he was the innocent victim. Whether he was innocent or not, he still ended up with Buffy Summers as a friend.

"You should try again, is all I'm saying." Buffy told him, before taking a sip of her diet coke. Why did girls insist on drinking diet beverages when they weren't even fat? It boggled Jesse's mind.

"I'm not going to." Jesse replied. Honestly, how many times did they have to do through this? "Getting turned down by Cordelia Chase was enough of an embarrassment. I'm not about to go out for another blow."

"Yeah, but don't you want to defend your honor?" Buffy asked.

Damn, where was Xander when he needed the guy? There was no way Jesse could defend himself against the stubborn mind of a female. A female such as Buffy Summers, at that. Why couldn't it have been Willow? Willow was so easy to say no to. All a person had to do was distract her with something geeky and she would forget she had even asked a question.

"Teenage boys don't have honor." Jesse informed her, trying to look serious. Buffy got that calculated look in her eyes. Fine, that was it. Time to change the subject. "So, where's Willow?"

"Huh? Oh, she said something about extra credit in math. Why she'd want to volunteer to speak with Ms. Morgan is beyond me." Buffy replied. "Where's Xander?"

"I don't know." Jesse shrugged. "He never showed up for classes this morning."

"...That's odd." Buffy said. "Xander screams slacker, but he's never actually participated in slacker-like activity."

"Yeah, it's a paradox." Jesse nodded. Buffy raised an eyebrow. "What? I know what paradox means! ...Maybe."

"You wouldn't know a three syllable word if it was thrown at your head." The voice of Cordelia Chase stated. Jesse stiffened in his seat, staring across the table at Buffy, who looked to be fighting the urge the laugh at his misfortune. Slowly, ever so slowly, he looked up at her.

"C-Cordelia." Jesse greeted. Really, she was just a girl and he should not be scared of her, but... Well, it was Cordelia Chase. Mountain lions ran at the sight of her.

"Look, I'm going to keep this short." Cordelia said, sitting down next to him. Jesse could actually feel some of her body heat. It was doing all sorts of things to his hormones and he had to fight the urge to freak out.

"Okay." Jesse agreed.

"Right." Cordelia paused, looking over at Buffy. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all." Buffy replied, smiling sweetly.

"Fine, keep your bodyguard around." Cordelia muttered, shooting Jesse a glare. Jesse frantically gestured for Buffy to leave, but the blonde pretended to be ignorant of his visual pleas.

"So, umm, may I help you?" Jesse finally asked.

"Friday night I'm going to the Bronze and you are taking me." Cordelia told him. Jesse blinked. "If you spread the news of this...thing around the school before Friday I'll have to resort to desperate measures in order to torture you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Jesse nodded.

"Very well."

"Umm, just out of curiosity, what made you change your mind?" Jesse asked. Cordelia narrowed her eyes and Jesse immediately regretted asking. "I mean, I...err...yeah."

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm in need of a distraction." Cordelia said, bitterly. "Your disgusting little crush on me is apparently good for something."

That being said, Cordelia stood and stalked off. Jesse watched her go, before turning to look at Buffy. Jesse picked idly at the dirt underneath one nail, trying to remain innocent under the steel of Buffy's eyes. "Can you believe her? She makes me sick. Why would you want to go out with her, anyway?"

"I...I'm not really sure." Jesse admitted with a shrug. Buffy scowled. "Oh, come on, Buffy! How many girls are going to go out with me? Huh? I'll tell you: not that many, and yet I just had one of the most popular girls in the school ask me out on a date. Cordelia Chase asked me out."

"You can do a lot better than her." Buffy snapped.

"Yeah, okay." Jesse rolled his eyes.

"You--" Buffy cut herself off and stood. "I'm not listening to your crap." Jesse watched as she picked up her backpack and threw him a dark look. "Get a clue, Jesse."

"A clue." Jesse repeated. "Where in the hell am I going to find one of those?"

"At a...I...I don't know!" Buffy growled.

"Sheesh, calm down." Jesse winced at her expression. "Aren't you the one just telling me I should try asking her out again? Why are you so pissed off?"

Buffy opened her mouth, before snapping it shut and storming away, hair blowing behind her. Jesse rubbed at his face in frustration. Girls. It was impossible to understand them and yet society was crash and burn without them.


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