Title: Getting Over It
Fandom: Firefly
tamingthemuse Prompt: #2 Mens Rea (the guilty mind)
Pairing: Jayne/Simon
Warnings: alchohol, men kissing, 1 curse word
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,274
Summary: Jayne, in an attempt to rectify his own stupidity, takes Simon out as an apology. Post-Ariel.
Author Notes: I can't write their accents to save my life.
getting over it )
Comments 17
I know you were worried about grammar, but I think you're okay with this one. I didn't spot any mistakes; you're looking clean and smooth on this one for flowing!
I liked this. I really liked this. Well done you! *smooch*
Thank you. ^_^
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.
And poor Simon! Pouring his heart out like that only to have it crushed in Jayne's meaty palm. When he sobers up he'll be pissed but at least he knows. And when it stops hurting he'll realize he CAN trust Jayne (sorta) because HE DID TELL HIM.
(One typo though: "...ignoring the few looks he received from the other costumers." I think you meant CUSTOMERS.)
Thanks for the typo alert!
accents don't have to be written to be there, you managed it with words and turns of phrase.
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