slashthedrabble Challenge #58: Plans
Series Title: Plans of Men
Fandom: Popslash
Ratings: PG-Rish
Warnings/Squicks: none
Notes/Disclaimer: This is popslash, a subcategory of rps, just with sexy boybands instead of actors. Oohhh, look at them dance and sing! I don't own these people, and I don't suggest they actually act this way.
#1: A Simple Plan
BoyBand: Backstreet Boys
Pairing: Brian/AJ
Words: 200
It was a simple plan. A basic idea that would lead to corruption, sex, and danger. Everything AJ enjoyed and everything Brian was against. Of course, that was the point -- to get Mister Sunday School to do something a little out of the ordinary.
“I’m so drunk!” Brian announced, waving his arm. He grinned brightly as the beer spilled out of the bottle, which dangled from his grip. Brian giggled.
“You sure are.” AJ purred. Brian blushed and took another sip of his beer. “Let’s take this back to my room, yeah?”
“Well, I…” Brian trailed off as AJ’s hand slipped under his shirt. “Oh, boy. I think I’m really drunk.”
“AJ.” Howie said in a low voice, watching as his band-mate grinned devilishly and licked at Brian’s ear.
“What?” AJ asked, watching as Brian struggled to stand.
“This is a bad idea.” Howie informed him. “He’ll hate you in the morning.”
“I’m not going to hurt him, so fuck off.” AJ snapped, steadying Brian with a hand to his back.
It was a simple plan. A very good plan. AJ was pleased. Until Brian passed out halfway to their room and then proceeded to drool on AJ’s shoulder.
#2: Part of the Plan
BoyBand: Nsync
Pairing: Lance/Chris
“What part of the plan didn’t you get?” Lance demanded. “You were suppose to turn left, not right!”
“You’re handwriting is too hard to read, Bass. Next time give me a program that’s readable.” Chris glared.
“My handwriting is just fine.” Lance insisted, crossing his arms. Chris narrowed his eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
“Just stop.” Silence. Lance raised an eyebrow. Chris gritted his teeth. Lance tilted his head. Chris let out a groan of annoyance, unable to take it anymore. He lunged, knocking Lance to the ground, and proceeded in shoving his tongue down Lance’s throat.
#3: Common
BoyBand: Backstreet Boys/Nsync
Pairing: Nick/Chris
Words: 100
“What could you and Nick possibly have in common?” Justin asked one fine afternoon. Chris paused, his fork half-way to his mouth, as he pondered that very question.
It was a good question, after all. What did they have in common? Aside from their disturbingly similar battle plans in the majority of the army games they played. Aside from the fact that Chris liked big and tall men, while Nick seemed to enjoy the fact that Chris looked a bit like an elf.
In the end, it was rather obvious.
“Sex.” Chris replied. Justin rolled his eyes. “Very good sex.”
#4: Bad Plan
BoyBand: Backstreet Boys
Pairing: Howie/AJ
Words: 100
It was a bad plan. It was dangerous and stupid and a very bad plan.
“This is a very bad plan.” Howie whispered.
“I’m willing to take that risk.” AJ glanced around the corner, before turning back to Howie. He slipped his arms around Howie’s shoulders and pulled him into a deep, searching kiss. They separated with a smack. “If I don’t return, call the police.”
“AJ--” Howie started, but AJ was gone. “Such a bad plan.”
Seconds later, Kevin was yelling. “Dammit, AJ, get back here!”
“Run, Howie!” AJ yelled. “Save yourself!”
Howie did the smart thing: He ran.
#5: Scheduled Time
BoyBand: Backstreet Boys/Nsync
Pairing: Nick/Lance
Words: 400
“Oh, yeah… Wait!” Lance’s body stilled, his ears listening carefully. The man pressed up against him chuckled softly and licked his ear. “Nick, stop! I think I hear someone.”
“Please, the hall was deserted.” Nick replied, slipping a hand down the front of Lance’s pants. Lance shifted and fought down a groan. “Now, let’s get back to our unplanned moment of fun.”
“You really should have told me-- Ungh, oh! Nick, that’s…. Mmm… --Wait!” Lance panted against Nick’s neck as Nick did something rather wonderful with his hand. “You should have told me you were coming. I could have put you in my schedule--”
“Lance, dude, shut up.” Nick ordered. He nibbled at Lance’s ear, grinning when Lance shuddered against him.
“I can’t believe we are doing this in a closet.” Lance commented, before pulling Nick into a deep kiss and allowing his hands to drift under Nick’s clothes. Nick moaned into his mouth. “We’ll get caught.”
“Nonsense.” Nick started sucking on Lance’s neck. Lance hesitated a moment, before shrugging and giving into the pleasure.
“Hey, I think I heard--” A muffled voice said, before the closet door swung open. Lance stilled, his head tilted back to allow Nick better access to his neck. Nick looked up, blinking at the light. Joey and Chris stared at them. Chris fought down a snicker. “Lance, man…Dr. Sues boxers?”
“Go away, Chris.” Lance snapped, fully aware that he was just caught with his pants down and Nick’s hand inside his underwear. He didn’t bother to pull his hand out of the back of Nick’s jeans.
“I told you he wasn’t in the bathroom.” Chris announced, looking smug. Joey was still staring in shock. Rolling his eyes, Chris grabbed Joey’s arm. “Oh, come on. Let’s leave the two lovebirds alone.”
As the door swung shut, blanketing them in darkness once more, Lance lowered his head to Nick’s shoulder and groaned in embarrassment. “I knew we’d get caught.”
“It’s no big deal. Brian’s caught us in bed at least twenty times by now.” Nick replied. Lance blushed heavily, thankful Nick couldn’t see. Nick’s hand flexed, bringing forth a surprised moan from Lance’s throat. “Back to our moment of unscheduled closet-sex.”
“I can live with unscheduled.” Lance murmured, unzipping Nick’s jeans.
“Are you sure? You don’t want to track down your palm pilot and program me in?” Nick asked.
“Nick. Less talk, more sex.” Lance ordered.