Title: The Secret Lives of Buffy and Andrew 3/7?
Fandom: Buffyverse
frk_werewolfRating: R
Pairing: Bandrew, hints of Spuffy, which causes hints of Spike/Andrew
tamingthemuse prompt #54: Cry Havoc
Chapter Word Count: 2,538
Warnings: language, nudity, naughty touching, the weird pairing
Summary: Buffy and Andrew switch bodies. The weird and crazy ensue.
Time-Span: A crazy season 6 of Buffy. The Trio has yet to kill anyone, it's pre-wedding mishap, and after both Willow giving up magic and Buffy dumping Spike.
previously Cry Havoc: To sound an alarm; warn.
Day #1: Buffy
Buffy couldn't see. Everything was blurred around the edges and dim. Yawning, she reached up and scratched at her scalp.
"Good morning!" Jonathon chirped at her. Buffy turned and growled low in her throat. Jonathon blinked and took a step back. "Umm, Andrew? You didn't get bit by a werewolf or something, did you?"
"Coffee," Buffy grunted.
"Oh, right...okay," Jonathon said, obviously unsure. "Uh, you don't drink coffee."
"Coffee," Buffy repeated.
"And I think Warren drank the last of it," Jonathon added.
Well, in that case, Buffy was going to kill Warren. Not before she used the restroom, though. Stumbling at a strange angle, Buffy managed to find the bathroom and slide across the tile until she reached the toilet. She worked on autopilot, pushing down her pants and sitting down before she realized she was now a man. Groaning in despair, she stood and turned around.
Her sleepy mind didn't even process the fact that she was using her hands on Andrew's penis in order to pee into the toilet. This was probably a good thing. Mornings were not kind to Buffy and she had been known to kill houseplants that got in her way. Even she couldn't be sure what she would do if she figured out what her own body was performing automatically.
It wasn't until she was washing her hands and looked up at her reflection that she snapped out of her early morning daze. She stared at Andrew's mused hair and worn out face. She needed a shower, badly. However, that meant she would be seeing Andrew naked. She didn’t know if she was ready for that just yet.
“I need to just get it over with,” Buffy told herself. Yet, she didn't move to take off her shirt. Was she really ready for this? Andrew looked scrawny and physically unattractive with clothes on--well, to a certain extent--so she wasn't sure she was going to enjoy this very well. Then again, that should have been a good thing. "Come on, Buffy, you can do this."
Closing her eyes, Buffy quickly ripped off her shirt and kicked away her pants and boxers. Then, standing naked, she turned away from the mirror and opened her eyes. There. She was naked and the world hadn't ended. This might turn out to be a good day after all.
Careful to not glance down, Buffy reached into the shower stall and turned the nozzles on to the correct temperature. When Buffy stepped inside she couldn't help the soft and happy sigh that escaped her. Wonderful, glorious water ran down her face and chest, washing away that gross sweaty feeling. Buffy smiled and turned, tilting her head back to wet it.
The warm water felt great and, as was usual for Buffy when she was in the shower, her mind wandered to equally great things. Like winning a battle. Buffy grinned, brain conjuring up violent images that gave the Slayer in her a thrill. Then she frowned as Andrew's body started to do something it never had done thus far. Blinking, Buffy wondered at the strange tension she was feeling build in her lower stomach.
Before she could stop herself, she looked down.
"Holy freaking--!" Buffy cut herself off, eyes growing wide. Andrew's body was aroused. She was aroused. And there was physical proof. Buffy jerked her eyes away and stared at the tile. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on something boring and disgusting. Like her new boots being destroyed by Fank'lon blood.
As her body slowly calmed down, Buffy sneaked a quick peek down before grabbing the bar of soap. Huh. Okay, so maybe Andrew wasn't that scrawny. Sure, he was really skinny, but there were muscles there. A potential, at any rate. And, well, the little guy down there had been kind of impressive, Buffy had to admit.
She quickly stomped down on that train of thought before she began comparing Andrew's, well, body part to all of the other men that had been in her life.
She finished her shower quickly, no longer wanting to enjoy it. Within twenty minutes she was dressed in new clothes and watching as Warren argued with their stolen goods, trying to set up some kind of camera system. Buffy didn't know what they were recording and watching that was so important, and she really didn't care.
"Either do something useful, Andrew, or get out of my way," Warren snapped, pushing Buffy into the wall.
Buffy fought down the urge to attack and instead casually picked up the cordless phone and stepped outside. She grinned and dialed a familiar number. "Hello, yes, I'd like to give information on a robbery that took place last night."
It wasn't too long before a squad card appeared in the driveway. Jonathon answered the door and, instead of acting calm like he should have, he began to panic. "Warren, we're caught! Cry havoc! Cry havoc!"
"It's not 'cry havoc' you imbecile," Warren growled as they were handcuffed. "Cry havoc is what you do, not the words you say."
"I really don't think right now is a time to argue about this," Jonathon stated primly. "I can't go to jail. I'm small and delicate. They'll mistake that for weakness and I'll be harassed by someone named Big Bubba."
Buffy managed not to cackle dramatically as she slipped through a few backyards and onto a different street. Smiling smugly, Buffy made her way to her home, figuring she might as well make sure Andrew hadn't got her body killed the night before during patrol.
Day #1: Andrew
Morning had arrived to find Willow already gone and Dawn eating breakfast. Andrew had managed to see Dawn off to school with the minimal amount of contact and actual conversation. Though, he didn't see why Dawn had commented on his perky attitude. It was morning time, what wasn't there to love? The sun was breaking through the sky and birds were chirping and the doorbell was ringing.
Andrew paused in cleaning the kitchen and listened. Yes, that was definitely the doorbell. He fought a moment of panic, before slowly making his way to the front door and opening it. He sighed when he saw Buffy there. "You scared me."
"I scared you?" Buffy asked, incredulous. "Look at you! What have you done to me? Why does my hair look like a rat's nest?"
"Umm, I didn't take a shower," Andrew mumbled.
Buffy stepped inside the room, shutting the door behind her. She reached out and touched Andrew's nose. "Oh my God. My face is greasy, my hair is sticking up everywhere, and are those the clothes I was wearing yesterday?"
"...Maybe," Andrew replied. At Buffy's angry look, Andrew jumped to explain himself. "I just didn't feel like I should be taking a shower or picking out your clothes without your permission!"
Buffy narrowed her eyes at him, before nodding. "In that case, I approve. Now, let's get you cleaned up."
Andrew allowed Buffy to drag him upstairs to her bedroom. She reached out and, ignoring all of his protest, began stripping him, all before shoving him into the nearest bathroom. It took him a moment to fully realize what had just happened. Flushing bright read, Andrew slowly took a step toward the shower.
Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and he turned, suddenly seeing Buffy standing before him naked. Or, rather, him in Buffy's body. Andrew gulped and adverted his eyes.
When he finally emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, his entire body was bright red with embarrassment. Buffy stared at him a moment, before getting a peculiar look on her face that Andrew couldn't recognize. Which was strange, since it was technically his face.
"Oh crap, that's just weird," Buffy muttered, shaking her head. "I am not attracted to my own body. I'm not."
Andrew's blush turned a shade darker. "Umm, can I get dressed now?"
"Oh, yeah, here," Buffy gestured toward the clothes she had laid out for him. Andrew nervous walked over, picked up the clothes and glanced at Buffy. Then, he turned around and disappeared inside the bathroom once more.
There was no way he was getting naked in front of Buffy. Even saying it in his head seemed wrong.
Later, Andrew made Buffy a funnel cake to see if it would get her out of her foul mood. It seemed to work, because soon Buffy was grinning and telling him about calling the cops on his friends. Andrew refrained from commenting, seeing how he really shouldn't be happy about that. After all, who knew what would happen to Jonathon in prison. Okay...so maybe he didn't really care what happened to Warren, as much as Jonathon. Warren used to be cool, but as of late, well, he was kind of creepy.
"So..." Buffy trailed off.
"You seem happier," Andrew blurted out, before wincing and fighting down the urge to beg Buffy not to hit him. Buffy raised an eyebrow. "I just mean, uh, you seemed so depressed and kind of detached before. Now you're, well, smiling. I kind of like it."
Stupid. Stupid. Stup--
"Thanks, Andrew," Buffy replied, softly. "I guess I feel like I'm on vacation or something. I don't have to worry about things like I did before. I don't have to feel like I don't belong here, like there is something wrong with me."
"Is that what that strange feeling is?" Andrew asked, frowning. "Kind of like your body hasn't been put together or something?"
"Yeah, that's it exactly..." Buffy's eyes widened. "You mean you feel that? I know you're in my body, but being able to feel what I felt is just a little weird, Andrew."
"Maybe it's something in the spell?" Andrew offered. "But you said so yourself that you don't feel that way right now."
"Spike did say I had been brought back wrong," Buffy whispered, slouching so she could rest her chin on the countertop and stare at her empty plate morosely.
"Spike's an ass," Andrew snapped, before flushing bright red. "I mean...err."
Buffy looked amused. "You keep doing that."
"What? I don't mean to," Andrew rushed to say.
"You keep making me smile or laugh," Buffy clarified. "It's kind of weird."
For some reason, it felt perfectly natural for them to spend the rest of the day together. Willow was at the Magic Box with Anya, there wasn't a chance of Xander stopping by, and Dawn wasn't due home until after her study session around seven that evening. Andrew made Buffy lunch, and then dinner, watching her eat both meals as though she had been starving. He hid a blush when she commenting on how good a cook he was.
"Oh shit," Buffy announced around four o'clock.
"What's wrong?" Andrew asked.
"I just realized I have no place to go," Buffy said. "Jonathon and Warren are in a holding cell for robbery. I can't go back to Warren's house!"
"You could go to my house," Andrew said slowly, already wincing as he said it.
"Won't your parents wonder what I'm doing there?" Buffy asked.
"I doubt they'll notice you're there," Andrew mumbled. At Buffy's look he cleared his throat, "Or, maybe, you can stay here. I don't think anyone will notice you in the basement...should they?"
"Probably not, if I keep quite," Buffy agreed. She smiled. "Okay, then it's settled. Except for the part where I forgot to bring any clothes with me, but I can sneak back into Warren's place later on tonight to grab a few things."
"Cool," Andrew said, grinning at their plotting. Buffy stayed silent a moment, a slight frown worrying at her lips. She glanced at Andrew, who felt distinctly unnerved by her gaze. "Buffy?"
"It's nothing," Buffy quickly said. Andrew doubted that.
Night #2: Buffy and Andrew
Buffy was actually amazed. Sure, Andrew couldn't really fight that well, but he made up for it with enthusiasm. Apparently, if you give the guy an axe and send him off on his own he could handle himself pretty well. It kind of reminded Buffy of Xander, back in high school.
"Good job," Buffy offered as the vampire erupted into a pile of dust.
"Thanks," Andrew replied, panting and blushing a bright red. He shuffled his feet, glanced at Buffy, and turned a shade brighter.
Buffy bit her lip to hide a chuckle. For some reason, making Andrew blush had slowly become Buffy hobby throughout their day together.
"Are you sure you should be here with me? What is someone sees you?" Andrew asked as they continued their trek through the cemetery.
"My friends don't really keep track of me like they used to," Buffy said, hiding the bitterness that she wanted to let creep into her voice. She understood why, really she did. Her being pulled from Heaven had been hard on all of them and none of them were really handling it well. Thankfully, for the next three days or so, she wouldn't have to worry about it. "So the odds of them finding us here are slim to none."
"Well, well, we meet again," a voice interrupted.
"Then again, there are certain pests," Buffy muttered. Spike shot her a cold look, eyeing her carefully as though the reason she was with Andrew would be written across her shirt. It took her a moment to realize that Spike thought she was Andrew. How she had forgotten this simple fact was beyond her. Alone with Andrew, it was easy to see Andrew for himself and not as a guy stuck in her body. Which sounded kind of wrong and sent Buffy into a coughing fit.
"Didn't know you were searching the market for a new sidekick to trail behind you like a puppy," Spike commented, sauntering forward and practically invading Andrew's space. Completely ignoring Buffy's presence, Spike came close enough to Andrew to actually nuzzle his hair. "If you wanted company, all you had to do was ask."
"Well, I, uh, don't," Andrew squeaked, darting a pleading look in Buffy's direction.
"Oh, really," Spike purred, one of his hands reaching out to lightly rest on the small of Andrew's back. Another blush started to form around Andrew's neck and his eyes lowered. "I think the lady lies."
"Hey, hey, hey!" Buffy suddenly yelled, stepping forward and pulling Andrew away from Spike. Andrew looked dazed and unaware of the world around him, before Spike's low growl caused him to look up, eyes wide. Buffy matched Spike's growl with a hard glare. "Why don't you fuck off, buddy."
Spike snorted. He glanced back down at Andrew and gave him a lusty look, before taking a couple steps back. "Maybe some other time, yeah love?"
With that, Spike was gone and Buffy was left standing in a cemetery with Andrew pressed against his side. Andrew was shaking slightly; more scared of Spike than the three vampires he had fought earlier. Moving on instinct, Buffy pulled Andrew into a hug, finding it strange that she's comforting Andrew when Spike had in all reality been trying to molest Buffy, not him.
She also found it strange that it felt nice to comfort Andrew.