Jul 06, 2010 02:48
Ugh I hate people.
Why does society have such a hatred for fat people? I don't get it. What the hell did we ever do to you? Why is it so hard to fathom that we can be happy the way we are?
This was brought about by a Daily Deviation on DeviantArt. Suffice it to say that the pic is of a girl who is overweight wearing cloth over her breasts and private areas leaving her stomach and thighs exposed. She has plenty of stretch marks and selfinflicted scars on her body and has BE BEAUTIFUL written across her chest.
The pic itself is not done very well, I can admit that, but the reason for the DD was for the power, courage, and beauty the artist had in taking the picture of herself. Do you think that is what people saw? HELL NO! The comments left by these hateful people said that she wasn't brave at all and that she was perpetuating the idea that fat is healthy and that she needs to lose weight and all other sorts of crap.
One person in particular even started a thread on the DA forums about how how this fat girl was awful. Said things like she only got the DD because she is fat and that she'd be much happier if she lost weight and that everyone should be at a healthy weight and that EVERYONE would be HAPPIER if they were at a healthy weight.
What he fails to see is the idea of a healthy weight is ludicrous.
I'm not saying that being over 300 lbs is good for you, but studies have shown that slightly overweight people live longer, are smarter, and tend to be happier than people at a so called healthy weight. Acording to my height I should weigh anywhere between 143-163. I have NEVER weighed that. I have always been overweight. I'm not even slightly overweight. I'm obese, I can admit that. Does this mean I'm not happy? Well, let me go into a little detail.
The majority of my family is overweight and has been since I was little. I'm built with a large frame, broad shoulders, long torso, stocky legs. As I was growing up I was fine, in elementary school I never really had any issues, but in middle school...well as we all know kids can be very cruel. What I'm getting at is up until that point I was happy. It wasn't until how I was built started being pointed out as disgusting that I started hating myself.
I went down very dark roads in my time. Everyone has demons and darkness in their past and I'm not saying mine were/are the worst or even outside the norm, all I'm saying is that I had them and they made me do things that I really didn't want to do. I hated myself, hated who I was, how I was, and that I didn't have the control to change it...so I spiraled.
I was 22 before I really started to love myself, started to see my beauty. I'm not saying I'm happy all the time, hell I'm new to this whole 'love yourself" thing, but what I am saying is that had I been shown acceptance and a little tolerance I wouldn't be struggling the way I am now.
I guess I got so upset over these trolls attacking this girl because shel is so much like me. Confused and trying to learn to love and accept herself. She is so much braver than what I was then. Hell she's braver than me now.
I don't know...it's shit like this that makes me feel 13 again and trying to avoid the bullies and ignore the names and whispers.
Guess I haven't changed all that much.