I'm definitely the best XD

Sep 29, 2014 00:02

Yesterday was the beginning of chore day. Well, kitchen day to be precise because kitchen is definitely not my mother's cup of tea. Not cooking, but cleaning after her. She's not able to use the dishwasher: she's got enough problems to understand how to close a window on the computer, dishwasher is definitely not her thing and I don't think I've ( Read more... )

personal: life, education, personal: family, personal: friends

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Comments 12

a_phoenixdragon September 29 2014, 02:04:06 UTC
Hope your first day is awesome!!

I know the solution to the alarm clock (it sucks, but it works): put it on the other side of the room. Feet hit the floor, you are awake (whether you want to be or not!)



luorescence September 29 2014, 04:25:07 UTC
Sadly, no, doesn't work every time because I can litterally sleep awake so walking to the other side of the bed (only four steps I away) and getting back to bed is absolutely no problem for me XD Doesn't help that most of the time, brain wakes me up just before the alarm clock (then it's easy to deactivate it and get to bed like nothing had happened).

That being said, I just need to get and keep my head out of my ass... Or in my case, off of my pillows and problem should be solved. If I'm properly awake, things are fine.

The method worked wonders today (I woke up like 20 minutes ago) o/ Of course, willing to get up helps a lot XD    


a_phoenixdragon September 29 2014, 16:26:32 UTC
LOL!! OMG...well, back to the drawing board!! And hell, I'm on to talk. I woke up late today for the first time in a long time!!



luorescence September 30 2014, 06:00:56 UTC
Once in while doesn't hurt XD

*squishes you*


flowsoffire September 29 2014, 06:07:41 UTC
And vacuums are such a cool weapon that there's even a game character who uses one as a weapon, as well as a tool to play with time.
Dying XD Dying at this whole post. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! :D ♥♥♥


luorescence September 30 2014, 06:01:59 UTC
Glad to amuse you XD



flowsoffire September 30 2014, 17:03:06 UTC
Yessssssssssss! It's great to hear that :D :D :D


flourflower September 29 2014, 20:14:45 UTC
BLINX THE CAT!!!!111 That game was a big part of my childhood, I miss it a lot.
I'm so excited to hear you're starting school tomorrow! You'll have to tell me alllll about it when we make up for the takoyaki day that couldn't happen this week. Which I'm super sad about, by the way. *single tear*


luorescence September 30 2014, 06:04:12 UTC
I've got so much to tell you, bro! XD I'm über-sad about that too *animu single tear*


lilia_purpurea September 30 2014, 00:02:29 UTC
Sorry I couldn't focus on the part about vacuums over my mental image of Usul using one to travel through time.

Pretty happy you didn't crack your head and die because of your slipery tiles and wet socks because I don't fancy the idea of you dying and most of all what a dumb way to die.

Hope everything went alright at Isart, and yeah I do know how hard it is to get you up xD


luorescence September 30 2014, 06:06:37 UTC
Yeah, I had that image in mind (and there's a gif of that moment on tumblr by the way).

Well, if I die prematurely, I'm pretty sure it'd be in a very dumb way XD

Yeah, waking me up is easy, getting me out of bed is hard as hell XD I love my blanket too much.


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