I think I went through every shade of proper annoyance

Sep 15, 2014 06:08

over these last days. Annoyance and gladness actually, because it was a blast overall. But I'm gonna cut the whole things in parts because of length ( Read more... )

personal: life, isart, personal: friends

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flowsoffire September 15 2014, 06:26:53 UTC
Great to hear about the good things, the social stuff sounds lovely :D Haha, you rock with social interaction, girl. I would have been like *mouse in the corner*. Well, I like to think that nowadays I'd be less awkward when I used to be, but yeah. XD That's the only way to do it really, go forward and be nice to people and casually bond.

I'm sorry about the bad stuff though *hugs* Drama, ugh ugh ugh…


luorescence September 24 2014, 15:47:15 UTC
Well, I've always been quite the social person, except on the web. And I know that most people are a bit intimidated at the thought of speaking to complete stranger, so I don't mind making the first step (providing I'm in a social mood XD)

And well, to be honest, I'm used to family drama so it's okay (for me anyway). I find it more fascinating than anything else.


flowsoffire September 24 2014, 17:12:53 UTC
Where have you been all my life XD (I'm soooo bad at introductions…) First steps ftw, that's pretty cool indeed.

Haha, good you're accustomed enough and "relaxed" enough to be chill about it all instead of exasperated ♥


luorescence September 24 2014, 18:07:58 UTC
Aaaah, I don't see the first interactions with someone as introductions XD Mostly because mine tends to be random stuff. For example, my friendship with one of my high comrade began in chemistry, when we were seating next to each other. And twas the experiment with an apple and the methylene blue. And I was so hungry I told her "you think I can cut a bit of the apple and eat it?" and that's how we began speaking. Another one was "hey, are you there for the German period?". It's no real introductions XD And to be frank, I think that thinking about first steps as "introductions" would completely block me.

Yeah, I've always have this very not-bothered way of thinking. And I see most things as research material so it helps me looking at things with a step back.


flowsoffire September 24 2014, 18:10:55 UTC
Yeah, it wasn't a very good wording ;) I love those first steps. ;) Randomness ftw.

That's a very good way to work :)


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