Not a proper update but well,

Aug 22, 2014 01:09

I'm home safe and sound. My cousin's back from Madagascar and she's staying home with her boyfriend until... Erm, don't remember. Her brother arrives tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken; my already very feeble Time sense decided to take some vacations so I've been in some kind of haze ( Read more... )

personal: life, personal: family

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Comments 9

a_phoenixdragon August 22 2014, 01:28:56 UTC
Och. Glad you will be able to enjoy the premiere...but ye gods. Religious weddings. *Shudders* Thou art a braver dude than I!



irishvampire13 August 22 2014, 01:31:05 UTC
Seconded; religion is part of why I don't do weddings, myself. Yaiii.


luorescence August 22 2014, 10:34:15 UTC
I don't mind religion at all, but I've got to say. You're not missing anything at all XD


luorescence August 22 2014, 10:22:17 UTC
I can't wait to be tomorrow *bounces around*

I'm not braver than you, I just have social obligations I can't get away from (even more when the only other cousin that was her bridesmaid let her down). Also, I'm used to be around religious fanatics, but these people tops them all... They got that kinda of sectarian feeling. Well, at least, I'm not the only one who feels that way XD


flowsoffire August 22 2014, 06:33:27 UTC
Hehe, time senses ftw ;) Get your bearings soon!

Yay for being able to watch Deep Breath! But urgh, I understand not looking forward to the wedding… I hope it isn't too awkward a time :(


luorescence August 22 2014, 10:32:03 UTC
Well, at least, there won't just be the in-laws and her church friends/bridesdudes. They drove me bonkers last time I was with them. They're not bad people, just ignorant in their enlightenment and overall ugh. And the things they say about music and Islam make me want to shake them so much, double ughs.


flowsoffire August 22 2014, 18:00:51 UTC
Yeah-even if they're not bad people, people who are so close-minded are always headdesk-worthy. But since it's going to be a big celebration, hopefully there won't be occasions for annoying remarks/discussions!


luorescence August 22 2014, 19:14:29 UTC
At least, for the Islam part, they should keep their mouths shut because my mother is muslim and I don't think they're the kind of people who've got the balls to say that kind of stuff to someone's face. Well, there will be food and drinks so there's that.


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