Wippity wappity *giraffe dances*

Aug 01, 2014 03:50

I've done it! Well, not editing or anything about writing (which amounts to zero words), but completely worth it and I don't regret it at all. Today was the due date for two icon challenge, respectively 10:00 pm and 11:59 pm (EST). And I hadn't done a single icon for any of the two until now. So, I had to do 40 icons. Which is much less impressive than it sounds. A simple icon takes 2 to 3 minutes at the most, it's the searching for the good screencap that can take some time so you can count around 5 minutes. That would've made a little over 3 hours.

But actually, it took me around 12 goddamned hours to complete them all. And for once, I'm actually satisfied of what I've done. Well, not all icons are cool but I had a lot of fun testing new things, and most of them turned up pretty well. Also, for once, I posted something not-Doctor Who! XD Mainly, Rumple, Ichabod and Castiel (I wanted to do Gabriel, but I already have a few and I'm waiting to make more to post them).

So, the Doctor Who one is there. My own little bet was only to use Asylum of the Daleks caps (like I did last time with the Angels Takes Manhattan).

And the others are here.


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