I'm gonna need gallons of tea

Jul 25, 2014 21:17

to deal with that.

I don't remember if I'd said it so I might just repeat myself, but my goal for my stay here is to finish editing Liminality (need to get used to say that and not just my NaNo). When I first wrote it, I wrote 24 parts I organized later in 12 chapters. And right now, I'm working on the sixth, one I've been avoiding for quite a long time.

It's really a pain to work on it. Took me the whole morning and a bit of yesterday to finish the first part out of four and it's only 1,500 something words. I'm working at a snail's pace and it's frustrating because I've yet to reach the long parts (4,000 to 5,500 words) that are only partly written. Let's hope it's just because I need time to get back into that after carefully keeping away from it. Also, brain and body teamed up against me this afternoon, making me sleepy as hell and anything by efficient so I came back to the hostel. Wanted to watch Sleepy Hollow but ended up taking a nap. Maybe they didn't appreciate the lack of morning walk (I wanted to get to the library as fast as I could).

Positive point though is that I ate at the hostel and got to meet two Catalan people and an American and we got some interesting discussions, we only separated (like a few minutes ago) because the cleaning lady chased us out of the room XD And tomorrow, I should meet twin for lunch since she's back to escort the kiddos to St. Pancras and take a new group.

Off to do some graphs/read/watch Sleepy Hollow then. And before that:

30. What was the first text you finished?
The first text I finished was a fantasy short story-I'm not counting schoolwork-for a rp forum I had created, back in 2006. It's a tale featuring royal twins, the Amber Princess and the Jet Prince. The Princess could see the future (well, every possibilities that could happen) while the Prince could see the past (everything that has ever happened). As the children of the late creator of the world, both were watching over the world, seeing that it stayed peaceful. At some point, humans and animals began fighting each others. Prince and Princess decided to separate, the Prince going to the humans and the Princess to the animals to try to reason them, however they only were absorbed into the conflict, on opposite side. The Prince ended up killing his sister, then killed himself in atonement. And that restored peace between humans and animals. And that's pretty much it.

31 days of writing meme masterpost

travel, writing, personal: friends, london, meme: 31 days of writing

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