On the road to sleepless night

Jul 22, 2014 04:13

I just finished tallying points for a challenge and the thing took me quite some time. Less than the last time though, I'm getting the hang of it. So, I'm taking a bit of a pause before moving onto graphics.

23. When you're writing, do you go back to correct your mistakes as you go or keep writing without looking behind as long as you're inspired?
*snorts* There's a reason why I send my texts to my beta while writing them (well, that and the fact I've got that annoying tendency to write just before the deadline). When I got all the time in the world, I can't help going back and correct my mistakes. Fortunately, it doesn't make me lose inspiration... It just kinda makes things even more complicated since I also use that as an excuse to thicken the plot.

24. Do you show your wips to your readers or keep them secrets until they're finished and edited?
You know, I'd really like to get to the "finished and edited" part once XD Really, that'd wonderful. But well, yeah, I show wips/part of them to my readers (or at less some of them).

25. Do you have a writing planning where you organize how you'll proceed?
Not really: I mostly keep a short term planning with the project(s) I want to work on. I tend not to respect any kind of planning, except if there's a deadline in view. Then, my planning goes somewhere along the lines of "write until you're tired of it, then switch to researches/worldbuilding/another writing project, then write again. In case of overload, play a bit".

26. On average, how many times do you get back to a text to revise and edit it?
For one-shots, never. I do a general revising/editing when it's beta-ed but there's almost no chances I'll get back to it later. For chaptered fic. Far too much XD That's why it takes me forever and I prefer to post wips rather than complete stories in one go: if I don't post wips, I'm just gonna go back to it endlessly.

27. Have you ever done the NaNoWriMo (www.nanowrimo.org)?
*laughs* One time. And one day, I should refer to my NaNo by its name because november will come again and I'll have another one XD

31 days of writing meme - masterpost

meme: writing, graphics, random

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