Wow, social life is coming

Jul 18, 2014 02:39

Whoot! Did it! My 20 icons for the first round of gaming20in20. I had the very bad idea to chose Jace Beleren as a subject: there's like 15 official arts of him around so not much material to pick from. But somehow, I managed to make all of them with the official arts and keep the blue to a 'minimum'; Jace's a blue mage, so all his artworks are blue.

Anyway, I'm looking forward tomorrow: a high school friend messaged me a few days ago and we agreed to go out and have a drink. Or more like go "somewhere with plenty of booze and cheap". I didn't see him for a couple years, I think, I'm not really sure, but we're basically all "I miiiiiiiissssssss youuu so muuuuch". So, pretty much excited, yeah.

Also, since I'm speaking about friends, it's confirmed! lilia_purpurea will come to London! She'll stay for a week in the beginning of August so we'll be able to attend the Doctor Who World Tour together and celebrate both our birthdays there! And see our common friend who lives there too *flails happily*

Now, I can go back to Gordon Ramsay/OUaT ignoring the fact I've still got icons to do

personal: life, graphics, personal: friends

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