I'm having an obscene amount of fun right now

Jul 13, 2014 02:23

It's been years since iconing as been so fun. So, basically I'm taking a pause with the Cybermen article to do my part for doctorwho20in20 round 46. And the character I chose was... not really a character. I chose the Cybermen. And yes, I know, I'm taking a break in writing about Cybermen to icon Cybermen, I know. Logic. But, so much fuuuun. And that's the occasion to add the Mr Clever icons I already use (as bonus) and maybe graph some more. This is brilliant! I can say they'll definitely be better than the last batch, which was pretty average in my mind. And I'm pretty proud: 5 icons in and still no sign of Mr Clever's face!... Okay, there's his hand but, still, not his face... Yet. I'm gonna try to be as diverse as possible because I don't pay attention I know I'll only icon Nightmare in Silver, which had be kinda sad for the other Cybermen. Plus, properly iconing the episode is already a thing I wanna so... XD

doctor who, graphics, cybermen

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