Same old deal: books and writing (no Cybermen this time though XD)

Jun 27, 2014 19:24

Wow, I'm at a point where when I go to sleep at 3am, I think "wow, early". That says a lot about my sleeping habits... But well, since I hadn't really slept for more than 24h, no wonder I had some problems to function quite efficiently. And big bonus, my sleep was quality sleep.

Today's meme question is short, so I'm going to do a book question before.

“Name a favorite literary couple and tell why they are a favorite. If you cannot choose just one, that is okay too. Name as many as you like-sometimes narrowing down a list can be extremely difficult and painful.”
Oh, easy question for me. Right now, on the top of my head, I can only name one. I'm not that much of a shippy person but this is my favorite pairing ever, and I don't think anything will trample that one. Not a pairing either in fact, that's a threesome. Irial/Niall/Leslie from the Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr. Ugh. There are so many things I love about them: the fact that they have to work hard for them and even with that, there's still a lot of unresolved problems between them (well, mostly between Irial and Niall since both characters have an history that spends on centuries) but they trying to get over them because they genuinely love each others/know that they all love each others. Also, as a bi, seeing bi characters that aren't caricatures is always heart-warming (since people tend to forget we exist). I like the open nature of their relationship too (we don't see much of Leslie in the later books, but both Irial and Niall have sex with other people). And, c'mon, canon threesome... which includes one of my fav characters ever (that's Irial by the way).

03. Tea, coffee, orange/carot juice, hot chocolate... Do you drink while writing?
I do, quite a lot actually. Either tea or coke but I've got a strong preference for tea when I'm writing: I love the hotness XD

31 days of writing meme masterpost

book: wicked lovely, meme: books, meme: 31 days of writing, random

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