
Jun 20, 2014 17:06

Mr. Clever completely took the reins (and also reigning on the fic)! You know, when your character behaves really well and lets himself be written. Then, he pulls out things you don't even know anything about. That's what's he's doing right now: he's says he's got a plan about something, but I don't have any idea what plan he's speaking about. There was no plan to begin with! Clever, stop pulling plot out of your arse, please. I want to do something a tad funny and not complicated. This isn't the good way to go o A o

I'm already over 1,000 words and the Doctor and Jack have yet to appear, omg XD

That and getting out of hand. Also, the sly fox likes flirting with the TARDIS... or wants to put his hands on her to disassemble her and study her every parts... Wow that sounded both quite creepy and sexual, which somehow fits well with Mr. Clever *smirks*

Anyway, no, I'm not really complaining XD I'm having a lot of fun right now, because writing Clever is a bit like writing a mix of Ten and Eleven so it's just so perfect. Also, I've got the perfect excuse for some tech-savvy terms in the narrative.

And before I finish my pause and go back to writing, here another excerpt:

"The engineers had done wonders following my directives, even though less performant than me, obviously. It didn’t help that their… fingers were so slow and so clumsy compared to my own cyberium appendices. I had to admit I missed having those (funny little things they were, all soft, squishy and so sensitive), that had been quite a fascinating experience that would repeat itself in the closest future, if all was going according to plan. Also, I was quite excited at the prospect to share my mind again, since all the boys and girls were not so wakey and more of a jumbly-rumbly hum in the back of my consciousness. It was a little bit too calm to my liking."

edit: Omg! I just thought of an awful but hilarious joke to do. I'm so going to put it in the text XD

doctor who, writing, cybermen

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