Still not about writing

May 16, 2014 04:36

I think I kinda like the new LJ. Well, I don't dislike it. It's more facebook-y but I like that they replaced the sidebar with a topbar. Feels much more modern and functional once you get the hang of it. Actually the navigation doesn't change that much. And, I'm thinking about upgrading to paid account soon, next month or the one after.

Anyway, I felt really stupid last sunday. After all that time, I learnt there's a reduction for students and it's only 2€ instead of 3. I know, not that much, but in the long term, it's a lot. Anyway, why didn't I ask about it before when there are things like that almost everywhere? And I'm proud to have been able to drag my cousin along with me, dragging him away from LoL for a little while (although his high-pitched “HIIIIIIIIIIII” will never cease to amuse me).

Also, I finally succeeded in breaking out of my Sims 3 frenzy to go back to reading The Count of Monte-Christo, which is such a delight when the last book I read is the atrocity that Ender's Game is. It was so horrible that I spend the last article ranting about it. I won't translate it because it's too long, but basically, it's “I despise Ender's Game much more than anything I've ever read, even the Twilight series, and don't think much of Orson Card either. By the way, the film is better than the book and I'm very cheap for recent sci-fi film because of techno porn and scenery porn”.

Well, so far, this month has been pretty good, and I'm so looking forward to the end. There's my brother engagement on the 31th and the fact his girlfriend and her family accepted I bring my girlfriend with me. I had already mentioned that a while ago, but well, I so happy about that. Even more when Marie (my bro's girlfriend) and her family are practicing catholics. It means a lot to me (but knowing Marie, I don't think she'd ever think about saying no, she's the sweetest person ever). And on the 1st, there's a live aaand we'll see Yaki's bestie and her girlfriend, and most likely other friends. On the top of that, Alice is coming back to Paris for a few days in the same period. It's like Bingo!

Now, off to do some translations!

personal: life, personal: family, personal: friends

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