I did it like a boss

Apr 08, 2014 15:41

So, I finished my fic for the Gift Exchange in due time and the final result was 15,000+ words. Moreover, I've been offered some help to go through it to take care of the typos and grammar errors that's left. So, pretty much yeah! So now, next pressing goal is to be sure everything will be okay for the Gabriel Big Bang (my post is scheduled on the 11th). Also, that means I'll get some things done on Iridio, like a list of WIP/projects I'll most likely update in the near time. And I have to post the drabbles I wrote for the drabble tree on hybridation back in December.

In more personal matters, I went swimming on sunday and, dear gods, it feels so good to be active. Even more because I couldn't do it the week before and I kinda of missed it. I also applied for a job at the MacDonald's in my city since they were looking for staff and I really could do with some income (crossing my fingers for that). Other good news include the fact that I'll be able to bring my girlfriend with me to my brother's engagement. As you can see, overall, I'm pretty good. 

personal: life, writing

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