Where I should be going to sleep

Nov 24, 2014 04:00

That moment when both Yaki and me are happy my phone ran out of power XD It's 3:44 am here; she finished working at midnight so she's tired and I get up in 3 hours. We've been on the phone for whole 2 hours before it cut and would've been able to go on much longer since we hadn't had a proper talk for a long time and we both missed it (just talking, not necessarily on the phone because I don't often call people, but online). Plus, I absolutely had to tell her all about PM since Lulu, her and me are the rulers of the Boobies Booth Kingdom and always support each other the best we can.

Also, it's that time of the year when I have a paper toilet roll (no more tissue boxes so I have to improvise XD plus paper toilet is great for absorbing paint. And does irritate skin less than paper towel) next to me when going to bed. And a plastic bag in my vicinity because I'm certainly not gonna sleep surrounded by used tissues *shudders* well, at least it's 'just' runny nose and progressively being sick for now. As opposed to sudden bed-tying sickness and migraines from the deepest pit of hell.
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