Oh... My... God...

Nov 06, 2014 02:56

I stopped doing my homework half-an-hour ago to prepare myself to go to bed, i.e. writing, so it's making a mug of soup, a thermos of tea and stuff like that. And I started on it at rhoughly 3:30 pm. It's 2:35 am right now. I can't believe I spent all that time working. And I'm not even finished; I haven't even made half the city. Assignment is to resize our rough from A4 to A3 and correct the mistakes the teacher pointed out.

Don't remember if I mentionned the subject but, well, we had to do cities: either labyrinth city, ideal city or dead end city. Mine was already pretty good: he told me I was on good tracks and the composition worked. The only flaws he pointed out are the two stairs in the potatoid forms (I don't know if you can see them, but well), which is pretty well seeing that there are 13 stairs on the drawing and he sent us a mail to tell us not to do stairs if we didn't master them.

Anyway, what's taking me so much time is that I discovered things that aren't mistake per se, but resized? It looked fugly; for example, I had to replace the stairs in the bottom right of the drawing with a lift and re-cut the border. Also, I'm reshaping the buildings to make the city more lively (even if empty XD) and less lego-like. But the most time-consuming stuff is to make sure the line are straight and parallel. Because, yeah, no rule authorized.

And now onto the request I need to finish before moving onto my NaNo or watching Face Off

personal: life, education, isart

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