i am more floored by the rapping w a british accent than anything else for some reason. they started showing season 1 over the summer and i tried watching today at the same timeslot, cept it has now disappeared *googles*
i feel like i should let you know i have been watching flight of the concords all the time this past week wile pretending to study...twilight did not really grow on me, even just for teh lulz.
oh yeah i know i just had to say it for myself. you know those people that will make a point of saying they don't like something just to let everyone know how clever they are for not liking things that are popular. i seriously hate that.
they started showing season 1 over the summer and i tried watching today at the same timeslot, cept it has now disappeared *googles*
i feel like i should let you know i have been watching flight of the concords all the time this past week wile pretending to study...twilight did not really grow on me, even just for teh lulz.
I still haven't finished season 2 of FotC. Hehe those boys are fun. And you're a better person than I am re: Twilight >_>
though the fanstuff is weirdly entertaining i get that
And yes, I have seen that @_@ They made Jacob creepier than Edward, wow.
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