OMGWTF.... DEATH! DESTRUCTION! CHAOS!... You get the idea.

Aug 23, 2008 13:53

So, it was a toss up between this:

And.... this:

to express my overall dismay with packing, moving, and renovations.

Basically, Mom's stuff came out of storage mid-last week. We expected it to arrive end of next week or the day after Labor Day. It's coming this Monday. The floors aren't done yet. There will be no unpacking yet, which makes Mommy very, very, very cranky. None of the furniture will be re-assembled just yet, because Daddy needs access to be able to install the baseboard. Again, she is displeased. This sucks so much. If the stuff had just come a few days later, that would make a huge difference! The floor would be done, at least, even if all the baseboard isn't down yet. Meanwhile, Daddy's stuff is still EVERYWHERE. He needs to step up his game about five notches.

Meanwhile, I have come to realize that I need a task master. When going through things, I get sidetracked and forget my original purpose (which is to pare down). This is not helping me.
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