And part two...
Title: Asylum (I Will Not Take These Things For Granted, Anymore) (part two of probably five) (part one
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: explicit sex, D/s dynamics, mention of non-con in the past, healing, wedding-day emotions
Word Count: 24,722 total; 6,190 for this part
Disclaimers: boys’re not mine, only doing this out of
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I was a bit worried about the ceremony, just because it had to be so perfect. But then we got that lovely article about Sir Ian officiating for Sir Patrick, and, well. Of course they'd ask him. 9And I love him scolding Michael for answering too quickly. <3 ) Which is to say, I am very very glad it all works! It did have to feel right, for them.
The conversation with James's grandmother is one of the two scenes I wrote down first, actually, so yay! I love her interacting with Michael. This is your family now, Michael. Enjoy.
And, aww, yay, you like that bit. I like that one too: it's meant to be a real physical illustration of just how comfortable James is in that moment, how safe he feels, without even having to pause to think about it. So I am glad that comes across! :-)
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