No, now THIS is the most awesome thing ever:
The cast list for the radio adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere has been released. You guys. YOU GUYS. I CANNOT EXPRESS MY EXCITEMENT ENOUGH. Here, join me in jumping up and down:
James McAvoy playing a Scottish hero! and more... )
What an awesome cast! IT HAS THE CRIBBENS IN IT! \o/ And James, of course... ;)
So I'll definitely be tuning in - always assuming I don't pull my usual trick of totally failing to notice when things are broadcast on the radio... (I'm not really a radio listener, which I'm sure means I'm missing out on lots of good stuff!)
That's seriously a dream cast! We get Saruman! and Sherlock! and Buffy's Watcher! and Anne Boleyn! Along with the James, of course. (I really really want a Fassbender cameo, somehow. Somewhere in the Market, just randomly being one of the fantasy people of London Below, trying to tempt James Richard into buying ravens or glass flowers or maidens' dreams or mysterious curry. Of course, then the internet might explode ( ... )
Somewhere in the Market, just randomly being one of the fantasy people of London Below, trying to tempt James Richard into buying ravens or glass flowers or maidens' dreams or mysterious curry.
Actually, that description has just really made me want to read the book, because it sounds great! Also, Fassy cameos would be awesome! Although I wouldn't want the internet to explode. That would be Bad...
Am hoping for podcasts, actually, as then I can put it on my ipod and listen on the go, which will make me more likely to actually get around to it!
The Secret Mutant Beast has grown more scenes. ARGH. And also they are Emotional Scenes. Just when you think the ending's about to be happy...the happiness gets delayed. Curse you, brain.While I am sympathetic, I am also excited. So it's ( ... )
Neverwhere's pretty inoffensive, though. And quite a lot of fun. The literalization of the London Underground map is brilliant. There really is an Earl at Earl's Court; Knightsbridge is terrifying... *encourages you reading* I honestly kind of did have a mental picture of Richard as James--not the first time I read the book, but sometime in the intervening years, after I became a James!fangirl. Because, seriously, perfect. Scottish everyman reluctant tea-drinking hero with perpetually disheveled hair, yes ( ... )
And perpetually dishevelled hair makes it a no brainer, y/y? :)
How're you done with your Secret Mutant?! Oh, wait, you've probably written something reasonable... *sigh* That deadline really IS early. I feel like they could give us another week... I shall send back your chapters 5 & 6 tomorrow. Just busy, this week.
Well, mine is only just over 4K, so... (and given that I didn't really want it to be over 5K, I'm pleased I've met my goal!). (And don't worry about 5 & 6 - whenever, really!)
Other exchange is in my old primary fandom, Primeval, which has kind of been superceded by the whole XMFC/McFassy thing in the last year or so, but which I still have a lot of friends in, so I'm still sticking around. I'm actually helping on the organisation side of the exchange anyway, but now it ( ... )
4k is still decent, considering the minimum! Why is it not the 16th, already, so this can be read...?
I'm actually helping on the organisation side of the exchange anyway, but now it appears I am also doing a pinch hit.
a- the organization can be kind of fun, no? being in charge and knowing it'll be run to your satisfaction? and also b- pinch-hitters're wonderful people, really. You're ensuring that someone else doesn't end up disappointed, and that's marvelous. :-)
Paris details, hmm? Favorite sights, or places, or foods? Must live vicariously through you! :D
I know, right? Having to wait a week, when you know they've all been posted, is hard... *whiny*
I do like organisation-type things, although to be honest, I could have done without it right now... And pinch hit, yes, I'm sure I'll get that warm glowy feeling about it when it's done, but right now I'm panikcing about having to write it! I'm really going to have to try to make a start next week...
And really must try to find the time to put up a Paris post with photos! but Notre Dame was good, despite nearly dying climbing up the towers! And The Eiffel Tower after dark was lovely, despite the fact it was freezing! ;)
Paris photos = yes. I imagine Notre Dame was marvelous--friendly gargoyles, or frightening? I love the pairing of that with the Eiffel Tower, actually--two such different eras, two monuments to human ingenuity. :-)
And a bit of both, with the gargoyles! Although mostly somewhat odd - I hadn't actually been right up Notre Dame before, so I was surprised at just how many there were!
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