Iron Man
Drive Me Wild (You’re The First). PG; 1,274 words. In which Tony repairs Steve’s suit and they talk about good men and the past and then very enthusiastic first kisses happen.
One More Indecent Accident. PG-13 (or R for one early use of the f-word); 221 words. Comment!fic for
sirona_gs, based on the Avengers trailer: “Mr Stark.” “Captain.”
How Was I To Know (You'd Steal The Show). PG; 292 words. Steve Rogers/Tony Stark. Baking of pie, stress relief, unexpected proposals.
Run And Tell All Of The Angels (This Could Take All Night). PG; 2,972 words. Tony Stark, Gerald of Wales (yes, the 12th-century writer), maybe some background Steve/Tony near the end if you squint. Inspired by
cursor_mundi and her fantastic course syllabus. Tony falls through a hole in time and space. In the 12th century, Gerald is writing a book. They get along surprisingly well.
Hero (He's Ordinary). G; 517 words. Tony and Steve, or maybe Steve/Tony if, like me, you wonder why Steve is randomly hanging out at Tony's place, eating popcorn and making coffee. They relax by watching the 1944 black-and-white Captain America serial. Or maybe it's not that relaxing.
Avengers (Hawkeye/Coulson)
How You Saved My Life. PG for perceived (turns out not to be real) character death; 1,771 words. Birthday fic for the ever-wonderful
sirona_gs! Post-movie fic in which Clint discovers that Phil is alive, because that is obviously a True Thing.
If I Fall. PG, probably; maybe R for implied sex with vague suggestions of D/s themes in the very last bit; 744 words. Comment!fic, mostly dialogue, based on the Avengers trailer, especially the shot of Hawkeye apparently firing an arrow while leaping from a building.
Supernatural (Sam/Dean)
Get Out In The Light. PG-13 (mention of Hell and torture); 583 words. Missing scene immediately following the events of episode 6x11, "Appointment In Samarra". Sam wakes up, slowly, from memories of Hell. Dean is there, waiting.
Exodus. R (non-explicit sex); 1,936 words. Missing scene from episode 5x22, "Swan Song". The night before Sam says yes to Lucifer, they drink some beer, argue, and end up in bed, for the first time ever.
If We Happen (To Be Left Half-Alive). PG; 1,103 words. Hurt/comfort and realizations of love; written for
lazy_daze, who wanted amulet fix-it fic, way back when.
J2 RPS (Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles)
Dealing With A Memory (Especially When You Say Yes). Semi-AU based on the episode "The French Mistake". PG-13 (sort of pre-slash; mention of other minor character deaths, off-screen; implied Sam/Dean in the background); 2,608 words. French-Mistake!Jared and French-Mistake!Jensen. Written for a prompt at
j2_fpsfest One And One (Make One). PG; 2,069 words. Jensen thinks he wants to move out. He doesn’t. Old and totally AU now, I know, but it was my first-ever J2, and it's still cute, I think?
Other Fandoms (Hellboy, some Firefly forthcoming)
It’s Cold Out, But Hold Out (It’s Only A Heartbeat Away). PG-13 for implied sex; 649 words. Written for a prompt at the
Porn Battle General Amnesty: Hellboy/John Myers: past, sent away, tangible, come back. Lots of vaguely sarcastic dialogue, memories, Antarctica being cold. And then there’s a happy ending, ’cause I can’t resist happy endings. There's also not enough porn, because I fail at writing things related to the actual overall theme of this challenge.
Original Fantasy Stories
The Snails of Dun Nas. 4,806 words; PG-13 for some violence and very implied sex. Sword-and-sorcery adventure, in which Our Heroes fight giant snails and sorcerers! Well, only one sorcerer. But still.
The Sorceress and the Dragon's Heart. PG; 6,610 words. Magic, politics, dragons (well, only one), appearances can be deceiving, hints at a romance, redemption and second chances.
The Glass Castle and An Exchange of Hearts. PG; 6,111 words. Sorcery, magicians, romance.