Just posting three short McFassy things. One was a comment fic, two came from the Five-Sentence Fic Challenge; all have been somewhat revised, but especially the middle one, which decided it wanted to be longer...
Title: Made For Each Other (As The Stars Were Made For The Sky)
Rating: PG, only for a tiny bit of naked James in bed
Word Count: 431
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I think that's true, about their attractiveness; you look at Michael--EVERYONE looks at Michael--and kind of physically think, wow, gosh, yes. Obvious handsome. James...it's a different kind of attractiveness, less arresting, more lovely and warm and inviting. (Curious hair is a fabulous description. *steals*)
New fic up now! Not any of the things I should be working on, but I think I like it...
Your icon reminds me of the unwritten fic in my head in which James casually mentions, on set, that he's more of a dog person than a cat person; wakes up, the next morning, cursed with cat ears and tail...Michael is both horrified and vastly amused and a bit concerned...there might be tuna...it does wear off, of course, after a day, but what a day...a few weeks later, Michael accidentally expresses dislike of sharks within a certain person's earshot; James, in the morning, can't resist mocking his gills.
Oh, and that thing for you is in the mail. Should be a week or two. :-)
Indeed! I cannot imagine a person who would say with a straight face that Michael is not attractive. It would be a lie. But I can understand if people would say that James is nothing special by the first glance, you really need to let his beauty (both body and soul) sink in. And when it does, there is no escape, really. (Thank you! *all the happy* I'm glad you like this description! ♥)
Oh... dear god. Oh please, *looks at you* you have to write this sometime. It would be so adorably cute, I know I would end up with diabetes, but I don't care! :DDD
*all the love and hugs and cinnamon tea and fresh-baked buns* I just can't wait!! <3 <3 <3
*sighs; adds to list of things to write* More crack!fic, evidently...but some part of me really wants to write about James with cat ears. I may have to steal your icon for that purpose.
Mmm, cinnamon tea! I actually just acquired pumpkin ginger spice tea. It tastes like autumn. (Had a randomly wonderful day yesterday. New wolf!Erik art from glisterwolf, box of presents in the mail from disbelief11, followed by Awesome Husband coming home and saying, "Here, I bought you something" and handing me a copy of the Diamond edition of Disney's Cinderella on blu-ray--apparently I'd casually mentioned liking that one as a kid when we'd seen an ad for it on tv, and I'd completely forgotten I'd said anything, but he remembered. And then he held my hand while I ran around and looked at all the Halloween displays at World Market instead of doing proper gift-shopping for my mom's birthday this weekend.)
(I think he's feeling a bit guilty, in fact. We were doing, er, other awesome things the night before, and it wasn't even anything he was doing, but I ended up with slightly sore leg muscles, of all things, totally my fault for not noticing or saying anything at the time, but Concerned Husband does not listen to logic when he is Being Concerned. There was also a lot of cuddling.)
Sometime today I really MUST work on chapter six...mmm, telepathic first kisses, and then protective wolf!Erik...
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