It has been a busy week. I suspect Part Eight of the Continuation will have to wait until next week; I meant to work on it tomorrow, but I have a science fiction symposium to attend...However, there might be an excerpt up in this post near the end, on? While I babble about things, and ask you all a question?
six possibly-interesting things on my mind )
Ah, it's great that you get along! I can relate to some extent- I don't know what to do around my two nephews. One is 6 and the other is 1,5. But on the other hand, I can't get enough of my niece ♥ She's just 6 months old but ohmygod she's so wonderful~ /end rant, sorry
2. Before finishing other things, get better, okay?
3. POST ALL THE ORIGINAL THINGS! *pleading eyes*
4. Read it. It's really wonderful. The trust between them made me melt into goo. Also, if you're interested and haven't read it Fool me Once, Fool me Twice is something mind-blowing. It's 50k words, but holy-! It hurts so good.
5. Yeah, we all should be. Dammit, Time Zones! *shakes fist*
6. Really? More eloquently? *blushes* It's such a warm and nice compliment, thank you!
(I will always thank you for being *you* and just being *here*. It makes me so happy that you do not think about it, my dear friend. And of course, for you- I'll be there for you, whenever you need me. *pulls you close into a warm hug*)
Sometimes I'm not sure what to do with my nephew when he seems to be made entirely of energy. He can be fun, but exhausting. If we ever have one, at some distant future point, I want one that's dialed back by about half-power...
Aww, little niece! Baby girls are just adore-worthy. I suspect it's automatic. The cute little clothes, the cuddliness... And you are, I'm sure, an amazing aunt, with all your love.
2. yes, ma'am!
3. I'll try? Some of them really aren't very good, but I think there should be a couple that I still like. There's also Unfinished Novel sitting on my hard drive...
4. It IS wonderful, isn't it? There's a sense of beautiful routine to it--this is their life, together, and they're so comfortable with that and each other. Makes me happy, every time. And, ooh, thanks for the rec! Something to read while recuperating...
5. There was also the student who wrote that Sir Gawain wears an enchanted *griddle*, instead of girdle...
6. You deserve all the compliments! :-)
( makes you happy, that I don't think those things? Really? *blinks* Thank you again. I'm so glad I've gotten to know you. Truly.)
(Side note: oh, gosh, I MUST be sick, you've no IDEA how many typos I've had to fix in this comment...sheesh.)
I guess energetic kids are a good thing, but god- I can relate! I can't keep up with my nephew, as well. And just as you said, I pray for my child(ren) to be calm and not so bouncy.
Baby girls are just adore-worthy. I suspect it's automatic. Yes!~ ♥ She's so adorable, I can't even- and the thing that amazes me the most is how calm she is. I heard her cry just *once* (and I visit my sister twice a week, for good 5-7 hours).
2. *nods* Good, good!
3. When you'd have a free moment, please do. As I said many times before, I would love to read your original stories.
4. You're always welcome! ♥ But it's rather depressing, I have to say. Maybe you would like to read something more sweet?
5. Griddle- oh- oh dear god- *tries not to laugh* *fails* Oh my- goddamit! You have an unique source of laughs! :DDD
6. *shyly bats eyelashes*
(Of course it does. If you do not think those things it means that you are alright and happy (and busy) and although you're not well at the moment, you're okay. And it means so much to me, you cannot even imagine. The feeling is mutual. The day we've met, I thankfully bless *cuddles*)
(It's okay, darling! Typos are not something to be worried about now ♥)
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