So I've already mentioned my intention to begin an online RP with myself as GM. Well, I've been doing some work on that idea, and I'm just going to post what I have as I come up with it. Just so's I can get to it anywhere, without necessarily havong access to my own computer. that said, here's my notes on the species I'll accept for playable characters.
Humans - dominant species, occupy most of the mainland and a few islands. If you don’t know what a human is, look in the mirror. Human society will differ depending on where they’ve come from.
Fae - xenophobes, mostly stay within the borders of Tir Na n’Og. Smaller than humans, and physically weak. Fae outside Tir Na n’Og are wizards, fae within Tir Na n’Og are inherently distrustful of wizards. Immune to poison. Their society is feudal, but not monarchical (the new ‘king’ is chosen by the other lords etc.). Those fae found outside Tir Na n’Og will have escaped persecution, possibly violence - they’ll have chosen magic over safety, and will be defensive of their choices. In terms of appearance, male fae don’t grow facial hair. What hair they do have will range from indigo to white in shades of blue and purple. Eye colours range from deep orange to gold, and sometimes green.
Elves - more widespread than the fae, and less violent than their ancestors - but a very few elves will still hunt sentient creatures, even though it’s illegal by their law. Unable to use magic, and immune to its direct effects. Slightly taller than humans, and strong, their society is governed by a monarchy. Elvish society has a sense of entitlement about it, and elves will often be disdainful of other races. Elves’ hair comes in shades of green, and their eyes are any colour from red, to yellow, to blue, to black.
Sylphs - healthy relations with most other races, but few in number. They are approximately fae-sized, with insect style wings that can lay flat enough for them to lie on their backs. They live in small communes in mountainous areas where the ability to fly is vital, and have no unified government beyond ‘respect and obey your elders’. The average sylph will be impulsive and irrepressible - they are taught to question everything around them. Sylphs are usually coloured the same way as albino humans, with white or pale blonde hair and red or pale blue eyes.
Huldra - forest-dwellers, their distinguishing features are their dark skin, retractable claws, fur down the backs of their necks and between their shoulders, and prehensile tails. They’re hunter-gatherers, and strongly believe in forest spirits that come in the form of animals. The spirits are unnamed, but can come at any time, so the huldra never actively pursue their quarry, relying mostly on traps. They have a somewhat strained relationship with the elves and the human societies that still hunt for their food, since they rarely observe huldra hunting rituals. Their society is shamanic - they worship the forest spirits, and will ask for blessing before making any important decision. Tranquillity of spirit and skill in battle are highly prized in their society. Their hair is usually dark red to brown in colour, and their eyes are brown.
Keeatin (KEY-at-in) - yes, they’re reptilian, yes they lay eggs, and yes, they have navels and the women have breasts. A wizard did it, shut up. At first look, they could pass for a mammalian race, but though they have skin on their face, arms (below the elbow) and legs, they have blue-green, red or gold iridescent scales covering most of their backs, their stomachs, the sides of their necks and their shoulders. They have very fine, always white hair on their heads and down their necks, something like the huldra, and green or yellow eyes. They’re cold-blooded, so they populate warm areas of the world - in extreme cold they will freeze to death very quickly. They are however, very strong and dextrous, and make for highly skilled warriors. Their society is arguably the most advanced among the six races - they are governed by a senate, elected by the people. Keeatin children are raised for tolerance, as well as nobility of spirit.