Mar 03, 2010 00:18

So, I know that almost all of my blogs contain something about a guy that I'm either infatuated with or am with. But the person I am about to talk about is much more than ANY of the previous individuals. This MAN is exactly the one I am supposed to end up with.

Christopher Michael Wilburn is the love of my life. There is no reason that we shouldn't be together. He's closer in age to me, has his life sorted out, and is completely in love with me. :)
For the very first time I am taking charge of my life because he makes me feel like I really can do anything with myself. He's 20 and in the Army Reserve National Guard. A military guy. We have uncanny similarities that make us magnetic to each other. We sing songs together, talk about EVERYTHING, and I'm not afraid to be everything that I am around him. He comes from a rough back round like me and we've learned how to grow up fast... although it did take me a little longer than it did with him. He's made himself into his own man and has worked so hard to get his life in order and now takes on having me for his girlfriend. If he proposed to me before deployment I'd say yes at the drop of a hat. I can't see myself ever being with anyone as incredible as him.
Chris has turned everything I know upside down and inside out. And I'm so excited to experience a new life with him. I'm actually in love. <3

I know that it is sudden, but isn't that what true love is??? It doesn't have a time limit and doesn't have limitations as to how much you care about someone. He loves me for ME. And I love him for EXACTLY who he is. What more does love have to be? I have only been with him since Feb. 10th and it is now March 3rd. And we already know that we want only each other. Sounds crazy eh? Everyone thinks there is no such thing as love at first sight or that one kiss can't change your whole perspective on a person, but it does exist. Here's what happened: Chris and I met up at my aunt's house with Dean (his former roommate) and got to talking. After awhile we jumped in his car to drive out to a gas station for beer and smokes. Well, as soon as I got back into the car and nothing had even been said yet, he went right in for the kiss. SPARKS FLEW. I knew that I shouldn't have let him because technically I was still with Pat. But I didn't even care. I knew that things between me and Pat had been over for months and that if I let this go I'd never find this again. So, I took a leap of faith and went for it. Chris told me that when he had first met me in the summer of '09 that I could've had him then, but I was too determined to be faithful to Patrick so I turned him down despite his amazing looks and charm. I am sooooo happy that I decided to get the hell out of that relationship and jump into this one. I knew it would only be a matter of time until Chris and I would start telling each other that we loved each other. He said that it was very unusual for him to be so quick about saying the "L" word and said that he was falling for me. He actually stole my phone one night when he came with me to Siler to meet my mother and typed this: "Im falling 4 u. So hard everytime i look at u it feels like my heart stops. I think u could b the one.." :D :D :D
OMGGGGG!!! Tell me that wouldn't just make your heart melt.

Ever since then, which has only been a week 1/2, we've been completely inseparable. It's unbearable to be apart, but we both know that if we stick together that in the end, all this separation and time will be worth it. He has already become so apart of me that I cannot bare to even think about anyone else. HE IS THE ONE.
Thank you GOD.
I am in love.

Chris Wilburn.
You make my whole world such a better place because you are now apart of it.
I love you baby.

2-10-10 til FOREVER.

Til next time!

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