Oh shits

Aug 03, 2012 09:36

Forgive me for having been so MIA for months now! Blame tumblr perhaps and the lack of need to overly express myself as I've been rather happy (besides money problems and the like). Florida Supercon came and ended and the cosplay was epic. I was pleased. Now I just need to get back into my drawing and commissions and I should be golden. A con can really take out the desire, especially when work is so busy! My SWTOR guild is running good. Being Co-leader (or leader...) isn't so bad. I feel as if they trust me and like me enough to follow my lead. I'm definitely gaining confidence from it. I will be meeting up with my guildmates next month at Star Wars Celebration VI. I saved  money and achieved enough money to buy Brad and I tickets! $120! Unfortunately... the thing I wanted there is far too expensive. Mark Hammil autographs are $125 bucks! WTF! I may have to try to save more money and see if I can simply buy a photo op with him for a large $75. How can I not meet Luke Skywalker? No other person, even Carrie Fisher, interests me. IF it were Haden Christiensen... then yes. I would fall over backwards because that guy is just... omgah!

Anyways... we have that drive up to Orlando on the 25th or something. Luckily Mom is lending me her car and my car will be doing at least half of the drive up to Palm City to pick her car up. Before that is the Morikami Bon festival where I will light a lantern for my sister and hopefully... meet up with my art teacher Mr. Wetzl. LA SIGH! I will even wear my lucky yen he gave me. It means a lot to me but the necklace I attached it to HURTS my skin. Pulls the hair out. Ouch! Not like... I have massive manly chest hair or anything.

SO YES... I wanted this to just me a short little update for you guys but mostly I wanted it to be a shout out for Katie because I found out late that her mother had a heart attack last sunday and I feel awful for not being there to support her. Not sure why Facebook told me nothing but... fuck you Facebook. You made me look like a betch.
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